What is UniCash
UniWorld is a complete ecosystem that includes different platforms and services such as UniBot, UniMe, Mia and other utility applications built on top of UniChain, 4th Generation Blockchain ForSmart Society 5.0.
UniChain is a public Blockchain featuring so-called multi-side-chains so everyone can connect and use and build upon this platform for a plethora of purposes. UniChain has the following technical features: Up to millions TPS, Block confirmation (finality) - 1/s, Blocktime: 1s, supports smart contracts and cross chain communication! UniChain mainnet is live with the native coin called Unicash (UNW) as the cryptocurrency of UniWorld.io Ecosystem. It is important to note that no fundraising was done before the mainnet release!
Uni group is planning to raise funds from the blockchain community by issuing the coin Unicash (UNW) which can be used for any transactions in its ecosystem. Pre-sale has already over and Public Sale to be announced soon. The pre-sale and public sale will have a maximum volume of 12,200,000 UNW and 240,000,000 UNW respectively, equal to 1.22% and 24% of the total supply.
DetailsIEO (Chainx Launchpad): Sep 07, 2020 - Sep 25, 2020Token supply: 1,000,000,000 UNW Total tokens for sale: 300,000,000 UNW LegalBlockchain Platform: EthereumRegistration year: 2013 Office address: Singapore 536209 23 New Industrial Road, #04-08 Solstice Business Center. | Token infoTicker: UNW |
UniCash Roadmap
Developed high tech products of UniWorld ecosystem such as UniBot, UniMe, Mia, etc.
Design Unichain- public blockchain platform from Uniworldecosystem
Implement Unichain, launch Unichaintestnet 11 Sep 2019. Start private sale
Building Dapp for product from UniWorld. Build bridge protocol to exchange asset from UniWorldto other platforms
Re-strategy of expanding by Covid19. Lauchingpre-mainnet. Re-new interfaces, exciting features and re-build some funtions,apps
Pre sale - Public sale, launching Mia apps, launching UniMe android version. Business expansion.
Listing UNW on exchange, beta Bot Store. Launching mainnetV1. Upgrade features of UniMe and beta IOS version
Re-strategy (depending on Covid). Business expansion. Upgrade features of UniMe, UniChain, UniBot. Mia and others
Upgrade mainnetv2, Upgrade focus Dapps, tools for UniChain Upgrade services Business expansion
: Upgrade services Business expansion and others
Project team