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Vectorspace (VXV)


Vectorspace: Advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) & Sentiment Analysis for Smart Cryptocurrency Basket Trading.

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Project industryBlockchain Infrastructure
Product typePlatform
WhitepaperVectorspace White Paper Open

What is Vectorspace

Vectorspace AI is a machine learning and financial informatics company providing alternative datasets and a 'feature engineering' platform.

Our platform is powered by context-controlled Natural Language Processing (NLP) and facilitated by cryptocurrency transactions. A single trend represented by a concept, keyword, hashtag, URL or news story can represent a network of cryptocurrencies based on their relationship to one another and surrounding context or concepts. This relationship network of cryptocurrencies can represent a tradable token basket or closely related group of cryptocurrencies that have known and hidden symbiotic, parasitic, and sympathetic relationships. They may trade in a group and fluctuate together being impacted negatively or positively by outside events and sentiment.


Pre-sales: Nov 09, 2017 - Mar 23, 2018
Token supply: 50,000,000 VEC
Total tokens for sale: 25,000,000 VEC
Soft cap: 4,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 30,000,000 USD


Registration country: Malta

Token info

Ticker: VXV
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: ERC-20
Token price in ETH: 1 Token = 0.000133 ETH
Accepted currencies: BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, DASH, USD, ANT, REP, BAT, CVC
Bonus program:
Days 1 - 10 (+25%) 1 ETH = 9,375
Days 11 - 20 (+20%) 1 ETH = 9,000
Days 21 - 30 (+15%) 1 ETH = 8,625
Days 31 - 40 (+10%) 1 ETH = 8,250
Days 41 - 50 (+5%) 1 ETH = 7,875
Token distribution:
75% - ICO
25% - Team
Funds allocation:
25% - Engineering Hires
5% - Testing & QA
10% - DevOps
30% - Exchanges: Listing fees
15% - Operations & Administration
1% - Expanded Office Space
4% - Travel
10% - Legal

Vectorspace Roadmap

Q1 2018

Functionality enabling baskets to include additional cryptocurrencies or components from related baskets that may increase overall returns while also conducting these transactions using VEC utility tokens.

Q1 2018

Optimization & customization of basket returns by applying filters such as technical analysis indicators and custom algorithms

Q2 2018

Subscriptions to higher level features offered by the platform including transacting baskets as trades on exchanges.

Q3 2018

Implementation of an auction-based relevant advertising system driven by transactions using VEC utility tokens.

Project team

Caleb Pate
Caleb Pate
Caleb Pate linkedin
Mike Muldoon
Mike Muldoon
Co-founder, engineer & CTO
Mike Muldoon linkedin
Raymond Walintukan
Raymond Walintukan
Distinguished engineer
Raymond Walintukan linkedin
Tom Bibiyan
Tom Bibiyan
Tom Bibiyan linkedin
Sami Hassan
Sami Hassan
Growth Hacker
Sami Hassan linkedin
Kasian Franks
Kasian Franks
Engineering Advisor
Kasian Franks linkedin
Mark Gregory
Mark Gregory
Q&A Eng
Mark Gregory linkedin
Johnson Hor
Johnson Hor
Strategic Advisor
Johnson Hor linkedin
Jason Toy
Jason Toy
Engineering Advisor
Jason Toy linkedin
Dr. Gordon Chiu
Dr. Gordon Chiu
Scientific & Strategic Advisor
Dr. Gordon Chiu linkedin

Social media

Vectorspace web-siteVectorspace RedditVectorspace TelegramVectorspace X (Twitter)Vectorspace FacebookVectorspace Slack

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