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WebsiteTrustPad Launchpad

Vodra (VDR)


Vodra is a decentralized donation platform that allows content creators to be supported by their audiences directly.

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Project industryCharity & Donations
Project launchpadTrustPad Launchpad
Product typePlatform
WhitepaperVodra White Paper Open
OnepagerVodra Onepager Open

What is Vodra

The Vodra Platform directly connects audiences and creators and unlocks the full value and utility of Vodra Token. The various features hosted on the platform enable audiences to use their VDR to transact with creators. Creators are able to upload their own personalized profiles with a description and links to all of their relevant social media accounts. Creators can then post any upcoming projects or events that they have planned. These projects can be put to a vote, crowdfunded, or simply listed for promotional purposes alone.

Audiences will pitch in their Vodra to support the projects they want to see most, often for various rewards and incentives. This form of content selection and compensation is mutually beneficial for every member of the Vodra ecosystem. This is in line with Vodra’s greater goal of shifting online entertainment towards a more democratic model that is determined by those who actually consume the content. In the case where a creator posts two projects, the project receiving the most VDR votes will be funded with the VDR used to vote on it. This gives Vodra Token a secondary purpose as a voting utility meaning anyone who holds Vodra will have a chance to influence the future of online entertainment.

Unlike advertisement catered content, a creator's post can be perfectly aligned with what their audience wants to see, which deepens the connection between audience members and creators. Audiences can also schedule monthly donations to creators which is a fantastic avenue for creators to generate a stable source of income. Creators can then offer their audience members incentives and rewards for different monthly donation tiers, including exclusive NFTs for members of certain tiers, direct fan interactions, or bonus content on their respective platforms.


IDO (TrustPad Launchpad): Oct 26, 2021 - Oct 26, 2021
Token supply: 2,000,000,000 VDR
Total tokens for sale: 105,000,000 VDR
Soft cap: 550,000 USD


Blockchain Platform: Ethereum
Registration year: 2020

Token info

Ticker: VDR
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: ERC-20
Token price in USD: 1 VDR = 0.0115 USD
Accepted currencies: ETH, BTC, BNB, BUSD
Token distribution:
3,5% - Seed
4.25% - Private Sale
1% - Public Sale
16,5% - Team & Advisors
25% - Reserve
12,5% - Staking
7,25% - DEX Liquidity
30% - Creators & Growth
Funds allocation:
10.0% - Marketing
30% - Operations
5% - Legal
40% - Technology
15% - Reserve

Vodra Roadmap

Q4 2020
  • Vodra is founded
  • Vodra whitepaper released
Q1 2021
  • Vodra tokenomics release
  • First creators partner with Vodra
  • Website redesign
Q2 2021
  • Vodra team expansion
  • Vodra receives incubation & grants
Q3 2021
  • Strategic launch partnerships
  • Platform funding round
Q4 2021
  • Vodra token community sale
  • Centralized exchange listing
  • Vodra initial platform release (pre-launch creators)
  • VDR staking pools
Q1 2022
  • Polygon VDR token release
  • Livestream integrations
  • Public creator sign-ups open
Q2 2022 & Onwards
  • Creator NFTs
  • Monthly pledges & rewards
  • Project crowdfunding & voting
  • Top fan leaderboards
  • Governance & token rewards

Project team

Zachary Bys
Zachary Bys
CEO & Co-Founder & Co-CEO
Zachary Bys linkedin
Conner Romanov
Conner Romanov
Co-Founder & Co-CEO
Conner Romanov linkedin
Amin Bouabdellah
Amin Bouabdellah
Strategy & Outreach
Amin Bouabdellah linkedin
Jeremiah-David (Jay) Wreh
Jeremiah-David (Jay) Wreh
Software Engineering Lead
Jeremiah-David (Jay) Wreh linkedin
Alex Romanov
Alex Romanov
Compliance & Communikations
Alex Romanov linkedin
Nicola Barakat
Nicola Barakat
Community Manager
Nicola Barakat linkedin
Josh Rozin
Josh Rozin
UI/UX Engineer
Josh Rozin linkedin
Anthony Laye
Anthony Laye
Software Engineer
Anthony Laye linkedin
Derek Yu
Derek Yu
Software Engineer
Derek Yu linkedin
Chris Woo
Chris Woo
Software Engineer
Chris Woo linkedin
Kat Allain
Kat Allain
Kat Allain facebook
Jaime Andres Hernandez
Jaime Andres Hernandez
Community Manager
Jaime Andres Hernandez linkedin
Andrew (Han Se) Lee
Andrew (Han Se) Lee
Community Manager
Andrew (Han Se) Lee linkedin


Lionel Iruk, Esq.
Lionel Iruk, Esq.
Legal Advisory
Lionel Iruk, Esq. linkedin
Brian D. Evans
Brian D. Evans
Marketing Advisory
Brian D. Evans linkedin
Kenny Izevbigie
Kenny Izevbigie
Marketing Advisory
Kenny Izevbigie linkedin
Hisham Khan
Hisham Khan
Technical Advisory
Hisham Khan linkedin
Jean-David Begin
Jean-David Begin
Operational Advisory
Jean-David Begin linkedin
Michael Terpin
Michael Terpin
General Advisory
Michael Terpin linkedin

Social media

Vodra web-siteVodra RedditVodra MediumVodra TelegramVodra InstagramVodra LinkedInVodra X (Twitter)Vodra FacebookVodra DiscordVodra Github

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