What is XSwap
With XSwap powered by CCIP, users can expect a streamlined and user-friendly experience, cutting down on multiple transaction steps and reducing wait times. XSwap introduces a spectrum of tools allowing third-party projects to integrate cross-chain liquidity movements with minimal effort. This innovative approach makes it possible to transform single-chain applications to handle cross-chain messages with ease.As DeFi continues its upward trajectory, many users are spread across various networks, maintaining assets across multiple chains. XSwap's integration with CCIP ensures that these users can effortlessly access and move their assets, expanding the scope of decentralized finance.
Leveraging Chainlink's reputation for secure and reliable protocols, XSwap ensures that users' assets are always safe during swaps. The combination of XSwap's inherent security features and Chainlink's robust CCIP protocol minimizes the risks often associated with cross-chain transfers.
DetailsIDO (Ape Terminal Launchpad): TBA - TBAPre-sale token supply: 56,000,000 XSWAP Token supply: 200,000,000 XSWAP Total tokens for sale: 61,000,000 XSWAP Raised: 250,000 USD LegalRegistration year: 2023 | Token infoTicker: XSWAPType: Utility-token Token price in USD: 1 XSWAP = 0,05 USD Token distribution: 20% - DAO 28% - Private 2,5% - Public 11% - Operational 7% - Marketing 9,5% - Advisors 5% - Liquidity 2% - Airdrop 15% - Team |
XSwap Roadmap
Phase 1 Q1 2024
- Smart contracts for connecting DEX'es cross-chain with CCIP
- Bridge and Swap platform for users
- Support for executing contracts on the destination chain
- Custom swap route support with main route splits
- Integrate multicalls for smart contracts on the destination chain
Phase 2 Q2 2024
- SDK release
- Instant cross-chain swaps
- XSwap widget implementation
Phase 3 Q3/Q4
- Non-EVM ecosystem integration
- XSwap Payment Tool integration in numerous web3 projects
Social media