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Website Copper Launch

Alethea AI (ALI)


Alethea AI will enable a metaverse of millions of intelligent and interactive characters to emerge, with their own thriving economics.

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Project industry AI & Neural Networks / Cronos Ecosystem
Product type Protocol
Whitepaper Alethea AI White Paper Open

What is Alethea AI

Alethea AI is building the decentralized iNFT Protocol to create an Intelligent Metaverse inhabited by Interactive and Intelligent NFTs. As originators of the iNFT standard, Alethea AI is on the cutting edge of embedding AI animation, interaction,, and generative AI capabilities into NFTs. Developers can use the Alethea AI protocol to Create, Train and Earn from their iNFTs in the world’s first Intelligent Metaverse known as Noah’s Ark.

As the population of iNFTs within the Noah’s Ark increases, so too will the possibilities of interactions and collaborations with and between these iNFTs - enabling the emergence of an "Intelligent Hive Mind", powering the Ark's AI Engine. This intelligence will enable us to not only explore what it means to be human and what constitutes a personality, but also to discover how an Intelligent Metaverse powered by such an Intelligence can help shape our stories, culture, and intelligence as we realize the true meaning behind being Homo Narrans.


IDO (Copper Launch): Dec 28, 2021 - Dec 31, 2021
Token supply: 10,000,000,000 ALI
Raised: 19,000,000 USD


Blockchain Platform: Ethereum
Registration country: Singapore
Registration year: 2019
Office address: 70 Shenton Way, Eon Shenton, #11-01, Singapore, 079118, SG

Token info

Ticker: ALI
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: ERC20
Accepted currencies: ETH, DAI, USDC
Token distribution:
Treasury - 5%
Private Sale - 20%
Strategic Sale - 3%
Token Distribution Auction - 15%
Ecosystem Development - 27%
Team and Advisors - 20%
Marketing - 10%

Alethea AI Roadmap

Jan 2020

Arif Khan, CEO and founder of Alethea AI, theorizes that “synthetic media will need a new digital rights substrate to manage permissions, transactions and governance.

Jun, 2020

Alethea AI tokenizes the likeness of Crypto Influencer Alex Masmej, allowing him to become a Synthetic Version of himself.

Oct 2020

Alethea AI announces the first blockchain-enabled AI Avatar Studio, where users can build their AI avatars using a single image.

April 2021

Arif Khan, founder and CEO of Alethea AI, publishes the seminal thesis on intelligent NFTs, combining for the first time two exponential technologies, AI and blockchain, to create a new standard, the iNFT.

June 2021

Alice, the world’s first iNFT for sale is launched and successfully auctioned at Sotheby’s for almost half a million USD, in collaboration with the avant garde artist, Robert Alice.

Aug 2021

Alethea AI announces successful $16m private token sale onboarding strategic Token-holders and institutions like Metapurse, Dapper Labs,, Multicoin, BitKraft, Mark Cuban and others.

October 2021

Alethea AI unveils Noah’s Ark, the world’s first Intelligent Metaverse.


10,000 iNFT collection launching on OpenSea, and our Token Distribution Event. Progressive decentralization of the network begins.

Project team

Arif Khan
Arif Khan
CEO, Founder
Arif Khan linkedin
Brent Homesley
Brent Homesley
Head of Partnerships
Brent Homesley linkedin
Ade Xuan Lin Loh
Ade Xuan Lin Loh
Community Manager and Content Intern
Ade Xuan Lin Loh linkedin
Juliet Gardner
Juliet Gardner
Content Strategist
Juliet Gardner linkedin


Nathanael Lim
Nathanael Lim
Nathanael Lim linkedin

Social media

Alethea AI web-site Alethea AI Reddit Alethea AI Medium Alethea AIYouTube Alethea AI Telegram Alethea AI LinkedIn Alethea AI X (Twitter) Alethea AI Discord

One Response

  • Metagen December 24, 2021 at 5:38 pm

    Recommend you join Alethea’s discord and follow them on socials. They have a very thoughtful and active community!

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