What is Casino Land
Blockchain technology paves the way for manyindustries to improve and reconstruct the overall
quality of their businesses. Online casinos can be a
major beneficiary of the technology as blockchain
can greatly enhance gameplay and the whole
Blockchain technology enables online social casinos
to significantly enhance their shortcomings in the
areas of fairness and transparency of gameplay and
vulnerability to hackings. Blockchain social casino
records every game-related activity, including the
necessary information about the player’s account,
thereby diminishing arbitrary manipulation and
ensuring the gameplay’s reliability. The player’s
assets and related data will be protected against any
potential hacking. We plan to integrate the right
mixture of relevant blockchain technology and game
development expertise. CasinoLand will ensure
speedy, stable, and secure gameplay and
transactions through the power of the blockchain.
CasinoLand aims to develop a better gaming
platform leveraging blockchain technology. We will
utilize the know-how and operational excellence of
our team to bring an exciting casino game to the
global market. This whitepaper illustrates the basic
information about CasinoLand and how we plan to
transform the market with our platform.
DetailsIEO (Chainx Launchpad): Aug 24, 2020 - Sep 06, 2020Token supply: 1,000,000,000 CLN | Token infoTicker: CLNToken price in USD: 1 CLN = 0.0117 USDT Funds allocation: 10% - Team 20% - Reward Staking 20% - Reward 20% - Reserve funds 10% - Token Sale 10% - Liquidity 10% - Airdrop/Bounty/Community |
Casino Land Roadmap
Market research on Online Casino. Development of Casinoland started
Build the core team for development. Build the sport betting product for Soccer and Basketball. Build the Whitepaper V0.1
Release Website v1.0, Whitepaper V0.1, Github V1.0 .Social Medias Engagement (Airdrop). Private Sale Listing on first Exchange Release Dice – first casino product, Release Wallet v.10
Release Bet Sport: Soccer and Basketball Release Website V2.0 Release Whitepaper V2.0 Online marketing campaigns
Casino DeFi Protocol (lending - borrowing) Release Android & IOS version for the app Continue online marketing campaigns
Project team

Founder & CEO

Tech Lead

Marketing Manager