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Disledger (DCL)


A non-blockchain, distributed ledger technology designed for high-volume transaction processing such as payments and capital markets clearing. DisLedger’s patent pending technology provides a solution for permissioned networks that handle high volumes of transactions, require low-latency, and must maintain data privacy.

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Project industryExchanges & Wallets
WhitepaperDisledger White Paper Open

Technical details

The tokens will be ERC20 standard on Ethereum. DisLedger itself is a distributed ledger architecture but the tokens are used for Intellectual Property licensing on Ethereum.

What is Disledger

It is the only non-blockchain, distributed ledger technology and DisLedger is selling per-transaction, IP licenses to use the technology. The architecture distributes the data only between the counterparties to a transaction so is totally private.

Token info

Ticker: DCL
Token distribution:
25% of tokens will be sold, 75% held in reserve for growth.

Disledger Roadmap

DisLedger will continue to provide technical support to customers and developers that utilize the technology. We’ll do outreach and business development to increase the user community; increase the rate of adoption globally; and encourage more usage of the technology – stimulating more demand for the DCL tokens.

On the technology front, DisLedger will drive to become even faster at the software and hardware levels. There is research and development to be done with some customers using faster processors, and possibly even FPGA and ASIC chips. We have initial thoughts on supporting smart contracts on top of the DisLedger architecture. Smart contracts could run on top of the DisLedger Prime Ledger and we’re thinking of the best way to implement that functionality or allow smart contract developers to connect into DisLedger.

Project team

Dan Conner
Dan Conner
Founder of DisLedger
Dan Conner linkedin

Social media

Disledger web-siteDisledger TelegramDisledger BTCTalkDisledger LinkedIn

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