What is FarSwap
FarSwap s the frst decentralzed platform to gve rewards to lenders and borrowers on the platform.
FarSwap s an automated market maker (AMM) decentralzed exchange (Dex) gven by communty vote FarSwap Lendng and borrowng
Users get 50% of the generatedFarSwap FarmngEarn a mnmum 55% APY unstake anytme you wsh
Lend and Borrow wthout KYC Get rewarded wth Far token whenever you lend or borrow on FarSwap platform FarSwap s a protocol that reward partcpants extensvely for ther actvtes n an algorthm autonomous ecosystem wthout KYC.
FarSwap dstrbute 50% tradng fee to Stakers and lqudty provders on FarSwap platform.
FarSwap lendng and borrowng
Get rewarded each tme you lend or borrow on our platform. Pay back loan wth FAR and get %2 repayment dscount plus other rewards when you pay back loan wth Far token.
DetailsIEO (Chainx Launchpad): Feb 17, 2021 - Mar 05, 2021Token supply: 50,000,000 FAR Total tokens for sale: 15,000,000 FAR Hard cap: 4,010 ETH LegalBlockchain Platform: EthereumRegistration year: 2019 | Token infoTicker: FARToken price in ETH: 1 FAR = 0.000308 ETH Accepted currencies: ETH Token distribution: IEO - 30% Rewards & Bounty - 20% Team - 20% Marketing - 15% Partnership - 10% (reserve) Liquidity - 5% |
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