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Global Spy (SPY)


Global Spy is global investigator platform for cryptocurrency investors.

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Project industryFinance Services & Banking
Product typeService
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What is Global Spy

The only payment method that Global Spy will accept on the platform is SPY-token.

Global Spy provides investors with professional research on any business, cryptocurrency or asset they would like all over the world.

All Global Spy  payments are handled via Smart Contracts. Global Spy will also seek to provide clients with an avenue where they can earn from the professional research they commission.

Global Spy will provide browser extension, that verifes the site against their ICO verifcation program database.

With Global Spy SPY Token, users may order information regarding companies, team members, their token, the business history of team members, etc. Users may use Global Spy Quick Service to obtain information through the automated search engine.


Pre-sales: Mar 15, 2018 - May 15, 2018
Public sales: May 15, 2018 - Jun 15, 2018
Token supply: 149,600,000
Soft cap: 1,000ETH
Hard cap: 14,625,300 USD(fiat)


Blockchain Platform: Ethereum
Country limitations: China, Iran, Singapore, Sudan, Syria, United States, Vietnam,
Registration country: Estonia


Translation: 15%
Social media: 70%
Bitcoin talk signature campaign: 15 %

Token info

Ticker: SPY
Type: Utility-token
Token price in USD: 1 SPY = 0.141144 USD
Accepted currencies: ETH
Bonus program:
First Week of the ICO 20 percent
Second week of the ICO 10 percent
After 29th March 2018 No bonuses
5% bonus for investment between 1-4.99ETH
10% bonus for investment between 5-9.99ETH
20% bonus for investment between 10-999.99ETH
Token distribution:
88% - ICO
9% - Marketing
3% - Team
Funds allocation:
30% - Development
35% - Globalisation
25% - Marketing
4% - Hardware
6% - Datacenters

Global Spy Roadmap


Conceptualization of the idea after realizing that there is untapped demand in the market. It was decided that we will study crypto markets and possibilities crypto could give us.

2017 Q1 & Q2

Search for correct partners and databases with knowledge of the crypto world. Crypto business is so global that it was a key element for Global Spy to find correct investigation tools and databases from all the relevant countries. In preparations for changing legislation regarding ICOs in the United States, we have already hired a great investigator for US-based ICOs. If the ICO market opens for general US public, it would mean a new rush of promising ICOs. Preparation for the use of the blockchain technology in our future.

2017 Q3 & Q4

Preparation of the smart contracts and preparation for the token sale. This involved sensitizing the cryptocurrency community by running an ANN campaign to announce the token through the website and selected cryptocurrency blogs.

2018 Q1

Preparation for the Initial coin offer. We developed an ICO webpage specifically for the token sale. Additionally, the web content developed in the 4 th quarter of 2017 was completed in this quarter.

2018 Q2

The Initial coin offer is officially launched. The willing investors purchase coins, and they receive Spy tokens to ERC20 compatible wallets.

2018 Q3

Listing to at least one of major exchanges. 10 % ICO profits to be used for marketing during 2018. Global Spy will buy a position on one of the major exchanges as soon as the tokens have been sent to investors after initial coin offer.

2018 Q4

The launch of the beta version of the Global Spy platform.

2019 Q1

Fully functional platform open for all customers Further development of research products. Another 10 % of ICO profits used for marketing during 2019

2019 Q2

5.000.000 SPY-tokens shared with all holders since ICO.

Project team

Jori Falkstedt
Jori Falkstedt
Jori Falkstedt linkedin
Pasi Kemppinen
Pasi Kemppinen
Pasi Kemppinen linkedin
David McDade
David McDade
Area manager
David McDade linkedin
Han Jia
Han Jia
Area manager
Joycee Navarro
Joycee Navarro
Community manager
Kaiyang Jiang
Kaiyang Jiang
Inspector SupervisorAdvisor
Shaf Madina Zaman
Shaf Madina Zaman
Shaf Madina Zaman linkedin


Shaf Madina Zaman
Shaf Madina Zaman
Shaf Madina Zaman linkedin

Social media

Global Spy web-siteGlobal Spy RedditGlobal Spy MediumGlobal Spy TelegramGlobal Spy BTCTalkGlobal Spy X (Twitter)Global Spy Facebook

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