What is JustCarbon
Today's market is expensive, fragmented, unwieldy and illiquid.
The JustCarbon platform seeks to solve each of these challenges through a single platform consisting of two symbiotic token systems: The JustCarbon Removal Unit (JCR) and the JustCarbon Governance (JCG). Our mission is to digitize and mobilize the world's carbon assets. JustCarbon has a vision for a future where assets can move globally, securely, 24/7, in a frictionless economy, and with the portability of a digital wallet. JustCarbon as an imperative tool in the global arsenal of carbon removal initiatives up to 2050 and beyond.
DetailsIDO (CopperLaunch Launchpad): May 17, 2022 - May 20, 2022Token supply: 1,000,000,000 JCG Total tokens for sale: 5,000,000 JCG LegalBlockchain Platform: EthereumRegistration year: 2021 | Token infoTicker: JCGType: Utility-token Token price in USD: 1 JCG = 0.7016 USD |
Project team

Russell Parsons

Adrian Rimmer

Sebastian Stephens

John Auckland

Chad Williams

Juan Puente

Kim Phillips

Jaime Cano

Dr. Moritz Heiden

Randall Purcell

Moritz Seibert

Gavin W H Anderson

Ravi Bahadursingh

Daniel Harris

Alex Soskin

Tim Parsons

Jordan Imran

Matthew Impey

Bella Heath

Thomas Heath

Plum Stupple-Harris

Abe Stupple-Harris

Benjamin Sullivan

Sean Richardson