![]() | Loyela (L-STAR)ICO Loyela is a rewards and loyalty protocol that empowers brands and merchants to engage and excite their users, promoting increased spending and higher sales. IMPORTANT: By investing in this business you agree to ourDisclaimer. All information including our rating, is provided merely for informational purposes. CryptoTotem does not provide investment advice. |
What is Loyela
Loyela is the Smart Loyalty© protocol. The protocol layers provides the blockchain and insights generating infrastructure for any company to build their own proprietary loyalty program. Merchants can create their own custom loyalty programs on top of the Loyela protocol, utilizing its rich infrastructure specially designed to foster higher levels of engagement and loyalty with the customers. Small and medium sized merchants can also choose to participate in the Loyela Rewards app which is built on top of Loyela protocol, joining hands with other merchants in a collaborative environment. The Dapp empowers small and medium businesses to join force easily at low costs to increase customer acquisition and retention.
DetailsToken supply: 900,000,000Soft cap: 20,000,000USD (fiat) Hard cap: 30,000,000 USD(fiat) LegalRegistration country: Singapore | Token infoTicker: L-STARType: Utility-token Token price in USD: 1 L-STAR = 0.01 USD Accepted currencies: ETH Token distribution: 30% - Tokensale 30% - Treasury 18% - Utility 12% - Marketing, Bounty & Advisors 10% - Team Funds allocation: 35% - Product development 30% - Sales and Marketing 25% - Operations 10% - Legal, Accounting and Regulatory |