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Nikel Tech (NIKL)


Nikel tech aims to increase attraction to nickel as a commodity and provide the token holders with the opportunity to participate in development of nickel-based technologies.

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Project industryProduction & Manufacturing
Product typeOrganization
WhitepaperNikel Tech White Paper Open

What is Nikel Tech

Newtek Holding Limited will launch the Nikel token to give people around the globe the opportunity to vote on the future of this planet.

The company will use the money raised to acquire, invest and fund technologies that are related to the future oriented commodity Nickel. By focusing on Nickel, the company will position itself in an important niche market for future technology development.

All holders of the token will be enabled to vote on the companies investments. The more tokens a holder owns, the more voting power this person has.

Nickel is an essential commodity that is traditionally used in stainless steel. With the emergence of new industries such as electric vehicles, clean and renewable energy, space aviation and artificial intelligence, global demand for Nickel is expected to increase significantly over the next decade.

The company is already backed by over $100 million USD of Nichrome, a widely used nickel-based alloy.

Having this backing in place, our token will be price stable and we will decide together with our community, where the funds and the Nickel will be invested.


IDO (DAOStarter Launchpad): Dec 03, 2022 - Dec 06, 2022
IDO (BrightyPad Launchpad): Dec 05, 2022 - Dec 05, 2022
IDO (FantomLive Launchpad): Dec 03, 2022 - Dec 05, 2022
Token supply: 1,000,000,000 NIKL


Blockchain Platform: Cardano
Registration year: 2022
Office address: 10 Anson Road 21-08A International Plaza Singapore 079903

Token info

Ticker: NIKL
Token price in USD: 1 NIKL = 0.088 USDT
Token distribution:
Pre Listing Offering - 2%
Private Sale - 8%
Public Sale - 20%
Team Allocation - 19%
Airdrop for holders - 1%
Company Treasury - 50%

Nikel Tech Roadmap

Q4 2022
  • private sale
  • partnership announcements
  • public sale
  • listing on two exchanges
Q1 2023
  • First round of voting for product development projects
  • Listing on additional exchanges
  • Increase in employees
  • DD for first investment
Q2 2023
  • First funding of research
  • Potential launch of an asset backed security token
  • Due diligence for acquiring a Nickel mine
Q3 2023
  • Acquisition of Nickel mine
  • Second round of voting for product development project
  • DD expansion to the NFT market

Project team

Safi Qurashi
Safi Qurashi
CEO & Founder
Safi Qurashi linkedin
Vik Pillai
Vik Pillai
CFO & Founder
Vik Pillai linkedin
Daniel Hounsell
Daniel Hounsell
Investment Officer
Daniel Hounsell linkedin
Alyssa S. Francis
Alyssa S. Francis
Customer Relations
Alyssa S. Francis linkedin
Abel Foo
Abel Foo
Investor Relations
Abel Foo linkedin
Ari Letchman
Ari Letchman
Investor Relations
Ari Letchman linkedin


Rajpal Rekhi
Rajpal Rekhi
Rajpal Rekhi linkedin
Jaasir Ali
Jaasir Ali
Jaasir Ali linkedin
Farha Musa
Farha Musa
Farha Musa linkedin
Patrick Tobler
Patrick Tobler
Patrick Tobler linkedin
Sameer Marria
Sameer Marria
Sameer Marria linkedin
David Knott
David Knott
Business Strategy

Social media

Nikel Tech web-siteNikel Tech TelegramNikel Tech X (Twitter)

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