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Overeality is building the infrastructure for Web3 interoperability and scalability which guarantees strong security without extra trust assumptions.

Investment by BinanceLabs: https://www.binance.com/en/blog/ecosystem/binance-labs-to-invest-in-seven-projects-from-the-mvb-accelerator-program-coled-by-bnb-chain-9156786679786782462

ZK-Layer0 Testnet: https://overeality.io/zkbridge

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Project industryBlockchain Infrastructure
Product typeTechnology
WhitepaperOvereality White Paper Open

What is Overeality

Overeality is building the infrastructure for Web3 interoperability and scalability. It designs and implements scalable zero-knowledge proof systems for zkBridge and ZK-rollups acceleration. The key features and products of Overeality include:

  • deVirgo is a distributed zero-knowledge proof protocol that combines sumcheck and polynomial commitment schemes. It runs on distributed machines and ensures a shorter proof generation time.
  • Gemini is a hardware-friendly zero-knowledge proof protocol designed to verify the history of a blockchain. It helps speed up ZK-rollups.
  • Other products include zkBridge for trustless cross-chain communication, programmable NFT protocols, and Meta-ID for cross-chain authentication.


Registration year: 2021

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