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Privelege Coin (XPV)


Privelege Coin is a cryptocurrency, official means of payment in the Kingdom of Privelege.

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Project industryFinance Services & Banking
Product typeCryptocurrency
WhitepaperPrivelege Coin White Paper Open

What is Privelege Coin

Privelege Coin primarily acts as a member share in the micronation, which allows the owners of the largest number of the cryptocurrency to sit on the advisory board and thereby guide the development of the micronation.

In the future after raising money from Privelege Coin cryptocurrency, Privelege is planning to buy its own Island to create a Tax Free Haven.


Token info

Ticker: XPV
Type: Cryptocurrency
Token standard: ERC-20
Accepted currencies: ETH

Privelege Coin Roadmap


ICO Starts


ICO Ends


Special announcement- about ICO and further plans with Kingdom of Privelege

May 2018

Kingdom of Privelege is buying a island


An announcement of a new microstate Kingdom of Privelege.

Project team

Kamil Stasica
Kamil Stasica
CEO and pioneer of Kingdom of Privelege
Kamil Stasica linkedin
Anna Surma
Anna Surma
Developer of Kingdom of Privelege
Anna Surma linkedin

Social media

Privelege Coin web-sitePrivelege Coin InstagramPrivelege Coin BTCTalkPrivelege Coin X (Twitter)Privelege Coin Facebook

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