![]() | Rawr.tradeRawr is one of the first Concentrated Liquidity DEX on Blast L2 that delivers the best liquidity efficiency via the unique DLAMM solution and the best user experience from day one. IMPORTANT: By investing in this business you agree to ourDisclaimer. All information including our rating, is provided merely for informational purposes. CryptoTotem does not provide investment advice. |
What is Rawr.trade
On Blast, it is all about speed, innovation and competitiveness; we believe the top DEX must also embody those qualities. Because of this, we have defined our core values as:
- Capital efficiency - While liquidity stands as the foremost metric for an exchange, finding a way to effectively utilize this liquidity is equally vital.
- User Experience - Everyone loves to trade on an exchange that feels super smooth. We are spending countless hours of research on what’s best for users, including us.
- Put the Blast Community First - with a long term roadmap tailored to benefit early adopters and native Blast enthusiasts who want a seamless trading experience
Our core features
- Swap: Rawr Swap is an innovative Discretized-Liquidity-AMM that provides efficient on-chain liquidity for Web3 assets and a CEX-like order book trading experience for DEX users. Based on the DLAMM mechanism, it could provide 5000x more capital efficiency than traditional x*y=k DEX.
- Bridge Aggregator: Our bridge aggregator function is designed to bring any assets going in/out Blast Ecosystem through a remarkable UX you have ever seen.
DetailsToken supply: 100,000,000 RAWRLegalRegistration year: 2024 | Token infoTicker: RAWRType: Utility-token Token distribution: Private - 5% KOLs - 10% Public - 15% Team - 20% Liquidity Mining and Ecosystem - 40% Partnership - 5% Airdrop and Community - 5% |
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