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Crypto assets that are backed by a particular real estate in the real world

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Project industryReal Estate
WhitepaperReiDAO White Paper Open

What is ReiDAO

- Allows for the ‘tokenisation’ of the real estate into tokens, which can be distributed to practically anyone and anywhere in the world to participate in the ownership of the real estate - These tokens can then be traded in a trustless peer-to-peer (P2P) markets - Involves the process of securely storing pertinent asset information onto an immutable distributed ledger - In order to ensure liquidity of REIDAO property tokens, REIDAO will also be building a property tokens exchange platform to facilitate the buying and selling of listed property tokens


Public sales: Oct 01, 2017 - Oct 26, 2017


Registration country: Singapore

Token info

Ticker: REI
Accepted currencies: ETH
Token distribution:
Total token supply: 5 million - 50% will be sold through open auction method - 15% reserved for the team and partners - 4% reserved for bounties - 31% reserved for Proof of Concept participants bonuses.

Project team

NEO Kok Beng
NEO Kok Beng
Founder, Chairman
NEO Kok Beng linkedin
Darvin Kurniawan
Darvin Kurniawan
Founder, CEO
Darvin Kurniawan linkedin
David Chandra
David Chandra
Founder, COO
David Chandra linkedin
Hendrik Tanjaya
Hendrik Tanjaya
Founder, CTO
Hendrik Tanjaya linkedin
TAN Wee Liang, Prof.
TAN Wee Liang, Prof.
Advisor (Legal)
TAN Wee Liang, Prof. linkedin

Social media

ReiDAO web-siteReiDAO RedditReiDAO MediumReiDAOYouTubeReiDAO X (Twitter)ReiDAO FacebookReiDAO Slack

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