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Simple Token (ST)


An ecosystem (Simple Token – ST) and software suite that lets mainstream consumer applications launch their own tokens.

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Project industryGaming & VR
WhitepaperSimple Token White Paper Open

Technical details

Simple Token is in a fixed supply of 800M tokens generated at token generation event. Simple Token is freely tradable on Ethereum and is the base token on the utility chains where it pays for transaction fees of branded token transactions. There is no block reward for validation of the the utility chains. Validators need to stake Simple Token on Ethereum to validate on the utility chains.

What is Simple Token

Simple Token [“ST”] is an EIP20 token. OpenST is a protocol to support token economies in mainstream consumer applications. The protocol enables ST to be staked on ethereum mainnet against minting Branded Tokens on open scalable side chains. The Simple Token software enables companies to launch and manage their own branded token economies based on Simple Token. The OpenST protocol enables the creation of utility tokens on a utility blockchain while the value of those tokens is backed by staked crypto-assets on a value blockchain.


Public sales: Nov 12, 2017 - Nov 19, 2017
Hard cap: 23,658,900 USD(fiat)
Raised: 21,728,192 USD

Token info

Ticker: ST
Accepted currencies: ETH
Token distribution:
800 million Simple Tokens will be created. This is a finite supply. - 30% of supply will be sold in the first token sale on 14 November, 2017. -27.2% reserved for the Network Accelerator Program. -12.6% to 17.8% (depending on token sale 1 bonuses) for future token sales. -5.61% for early backers, on a 3 year vesting schedules. -10% for advisors, on a minimum 2 year vesting schedules. - 10% for the founding team, on a minimum 3 year vesting schedules.

Simple Token Roadmap

Q3 2016 - Q1 2017

Concept development

Q2-3 2017

Design prototypes

Q3-4 2017

Token design. Protocol architecture

Q4 2017

Token sale #1

Q1 2018

Initial consumer-facing deployments

Q2 2018

Further consumer-facing deployments

Project team

Jason Goldberg
Jason Goldberg
Director and CEO
Jason Goldberg linkedin
Nishith Shah
Nishith Shah
Director and CTO
Nishith Shah linkedin
Benjamin Bollen
Benjamin Bollen
Chief Technology Strategist
Benjamin Bollen linkedin
Paul Jacobus du Plessis
Paul Jacobus du Plessis
Director Market Development
Paul Jacobus du Plessis linkedin
Jason Banks
Jason Banks
Lead Engineer
Jason Banks linkedin
Sunil Khedar
Sunil Khedar
Founder and CTO
Sunil Khedar linkedin
Lionello Lunesu
Lionello Lunesu
Engineering lead
Lionello Lunesu linkedin
Antoine Cote
Antoine Cote
Engineering lead
Antoine Cote linkedin

Social media

Simple Token web-siteSimple Token RedditSimple Token MediumSimple Token TelegramSimple Token BTCTalkSimple Token LinkedInSimple Token X (Twitter)Simple Token FacebookSimple Token Github

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