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Storichain (TORI)

Storichain bounty

Storichain is a blockchain-based story creation, consumption, and distribution DApp, and is a collection of protocols for the contract.

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Project industryArt & Music
Product typeDApp
FoundedKorea, Republic of
WhitepaperStorichain White Paper Open

What is Storichain

Storichain is a global project that provides a partially decentralized dApp and a shared protocol for the story industry to solve the problems of the story industry through blockchain characteristics. The term ‘Story Industry’ refers to the industry which uses ‘stories’ as a source of their products and includes areas such as movies, dramas, web novels, web dramas, plays, musicals, and radio dramas.

However, despite the rapid growth of the market, the industry still has many problems left to be solved. One of the biggest problems is that the story assets (source stories, scripts, novels, webtoons, scenarios, etc.), which is the foundation of the entire industry, are only being traded on an offline platform due to idea theft issues. Currently, almost the entirety of the transactions is made offline between people who trust each other. In this regard, Storichain can be considered as a digital story asset management system which allows the individuals to make transactions online even with non-trustable people by making an ‘idea theft prevention contract.’ One other problem within the industry is the issue related to ‘profit-sharing.’ For example, the webtoon industry, which is one of the biggest story-based industry in Korea, had already exceeded $700 million in market size, but there are still many people questioning the profit-sharing structure of the industry, and many content creators are still having a hard time on receiving sufficient compensation for their work.

Moreover, in areas where production costs are relatively high, such as the movie/drama industry, it is customary for the production companies, which is considered as a distribution broker and the early-stage investor in the industry, to take full risk of the future by paying most of the costs that is required during the story gathering/development process. This was due to the nature of the industry that there is no guarantee that the story quality will directly lead to sufficient market demand.

In the story industry, the role of readers is as much as important to that of the writers and the production companies. If a reader reads a story and enjoys it by himself/herself, there is absolutely no additional value created. However, if the reader shares his emotions and experience with other people, it can lead to a networking effect of the story and can be considered as an actual act that contributes to the story. Also, other acts including making reviews and telling their own story the writers can be regarded as a contributing action.

Until now, such contributions from the readers was considered as an important foundation of the story industry. However, the industry was not able to accumulate reliable data to provide compensation to the readers who contributed to the content creation process. Therefore, the Storichain starts by placing the token’s value base on story creation, ultimately lowering the trust cost between the participants of the story industry –writers, production companies, and readers-. By doing so, we will make the process of creating a derivative work out of a source story more transparent, solving the unfairness that exists in the industry and creates new values.

We are going to demonstrate how the Storichain Project will use certain blockchain characteristics to solve the problems in the story industry, and what kind of added value it will create during the process.

Trust-creating contracts with anti-theft and notarial effects, and tokens are used to deposit the trust mark when creating smart contact. The token is like a voucher that is used in the field of culture and art, which is associated with stories. A ‘story’ is a type of narrative that connects our temporal experience based on causality. UI-wise, Storichain might look like an ordinary SNS where the public can use with ease. However, in Storichain, the experiences of individual users can be selected by professional writers and become reborn into a ‘story’ with a well-structured narrative. The original source story will be stored in the central server, but the contribution data, which proves the contribution of an individual on the work, is regularly stored within the blockchain so that it can be used as evidence in case a plagiarism-related dispute occurs. Based on this story, if other aspects such as drawings, videos, broadcasting, and the music get combined through collaboration with other creators, Storichain will keep track of the contribution made by each creator, making it easy to split the profits in the future. As a result, when a single story generates extra value by being converted into other forms of work such as web posts, web novels, webtoons, drama scripts, movie scripts, musical scripts, and game scenarios, all the participants of the story will receive compensation based on their contribution. In addition, when a derivative work is made based on the source story IP, Storichain will track the distribution route and manage it efficiently in order to provide benefit to the writer/reader/and producer. In a wider scope, Storichain’s goal is to store the story IP, which was considered as an intangible asset to mankind, inside the blockchain as a provable form of data without manipulating or falsifying, enabling us to securitize the story IP and make it possible to contribute to the culture industry.

There has been no case yet where cryptocurrency was used properly within the field of culture & art. Storichain will strive to be a model case all around the world by contacting with experts from the culture field and collaborating with them to find new ways to achieve innovation.


IEO (BW Launchpad): Jun 25, 2019 - Jun 30, 2019
IEO (ProBit Launchpad): Jun 25, 2019 - Jul 04, 2019
Token supply: 4,000,000,000 TORI
Total tokens for sale: 1,380,000,000 TORI
Hard cap: 5,440,000 USD


Blockchain Platform: Ethereum
Registration country: Korea, Republic of
Registration year: 2018
Office address: 06040 501, 35 Nonhyeon-ro 149-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

Token info

Ticker: TORI
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: ERC-20
Token price in USD: 1 TORI = 0.0034 USD
Accepted currencies: ETH, BTC, USDT, XRP
Bonus program:
7% (but with Exchange Coin Prob 10%)
3% (but with Exchange Coin Prob 6%)
Token distribution:
13% Team / Advisor
11% Company
7% Marketing / Partner
15% Reserved
15% Eco Pool
5% Airdrop
34% Sale

Storichain Roadmap

2017 Q3

  • Concept IDEA
  • 2
    2017 Q4

  • Team Building & Advisory Contact
  • 3
    2018 Q1

  • Establishing Business Model
  • 1st Draft of Storyboard
  • 1st Draft of Eco-System and Entity Develop
  • MVP Design
  • Web Publishing
  • 4
    2018 Q2

  • Prototyping
  • Concept Demo Video
  • Contribution Architect
  • 1st Core Smart Contract Architect
  • Token Sale
  • 5
    2018 Q3

  • Seed Creator Invitation
  • MVP Closed Open
  • 6
    2018 Q4

  • POC – Creator Eco Experiment
  • Web Application (Centralized Based)
  • 7
    2019 Q1

  • Alpha Service Launching (Using Luniverse)
  • 2nd Core Smart Contract Architect
  • Partnership with Entertainment Production
  • 8
    2019 Q3

  • Stori Contract, GI Contract
  • Creation Contract
  • 9
    2019 Q4

  • Beta Service (Minting/Distribution)
  • Original Contents
  • 10
    2020 Q1

  • Story Contract Kit Launch
  • Plot Template Kit Launch
  • 11
    2020 Q1

  • Crypto Actor Kit Launch
  • 12
    2020 Q3

  • Plain Document Kit
  • Project team

    Junes Lee
    Junes Lee
    Co-Founder & CEO
    Junes Lee linkedin
    Yoonchul Chung
    Yoonchul Chung
    CCO (Film Diriector)
    Yoonchul Chung facebook
    Jin Young Choi
    Jin Young Choi
    Sang Wook Kim
    Sang Wook Kim
    CSO (Developer)
    Sang Hoon Han
    Sang Hoon Han
    Lawyer (Copyright, Media & IP)
    Mickey Choi
    Mickey Choi
    CBO (Business Organizer)
    Mickey Choi linkedin
    James Lee
    James Lee
    Chief Engineer (Co-Founder)
    Tae Seok Yang
    Tae Seok Yang
    Effy Song
    Effy Song
    Communication Director
    Chang Gyoo Kim
    Chang Gyoo Kim
    SF Fiction Writer
    Kcod Kyung
    Kcod Kyung
    Kcod Kyung linkedin
    Hong Yeop Choi
    Hong Yeop Choi
    Bohun Jeong
    Bohun Jeong
    Business Strategy
    Sang Joon Park
    Sang Joon Park
    Content Strategy Producer


    Jang Ho Lee
    Jang Ho Lee
    Film Director
    Dr. Myung Sung Lee
    Dr. Myung Sung Lee
    Sung Jun Park
    Sung Jun Park
    Doctor of Cryptology, Head of Blockchain Research Center at Dongguk University
    Jong Yoon Ro
    Jong Yoon Ro
    Film Producer
    Hee Won Jung
    Hee Won Jung
    CEO of AnySign
    Dong Sam Byun
    Dong Sam Byun
    Blockchain Expert
    Shakil Muhammad
    Shakil Muhammad
    Blockchain Expert

    Social media

    Storichain web-siteStorichain MediumStorichainYouTubeStorichain TelegramStorichain X (Twitter)Storichain Facebook

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