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Transmutecoin (TRNSC)


Transmute coin is introduced to find subscribers to provide their support in our aim to provide ultimate solutions in providing recycling measures recycling of tires, plastics and other harmful materials.

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Project industry Production & Manufacturing
Product type Ecosystem
Founded Estonia
Whitepaper Transmutecoin White Paper Open

What is Transmutecoin


COLDFALL Corporation believes that companies have a responsibility to make a profit but not at the expense of its employees, families, community or to do harm to our planet. COLDFALL’s mission is to improve the lifestyles of people around the world by responsibly recycling waste while achieving substantial benefits for itself, its employees, the community, and the environment.

To achieve this, the company will utilize its pyrolytic microwave technologies, which offers substantial advancement in the recycling of tires and other carbon-based waste materials to generate valuable recycled energy

The world energy prices continue to increase as relative supply diminishes. environmental regulations become more restrictive. The pyrolytic, non-chemical technology will most certainly become the most attractive solution for many of the world’s energy and waste disposal needs.

To provide a viable solution to the growing problem in the market, COLDFALL will utilize the revolutionary microwave pyrolytic technology to maximize the value of the discarded petroleum-based organic material and conventional organic material to produce revenue generating by-products.

The launch of the initial phase of the company will be the commercialization of the tire process. Secondary and tertiary phases will include the development and commercialization of plastic and coal processes.

The tire process fully recovers four products from shredded tires, thus eliminating the need to dispose of unprocessed tire residue.

Benefits of Microwaving Tires:

  • A successful recyclable rate of 99%
  • Energy efficiency up to 85%
  • Creation of local jobs
  • Zero negative environmental impact
  • Reduce carbon footprint by using reclaimed fuel
  • The microwave technology process completely deconstructs organic based waste materials into smaller carbon chains with valuable economic properties. Discarded tires are a high-value material that can be processed using the microwave system.


    Pre-sales: Mar 15, 2019 - Apr 15, 2020
    Public sales: Apr 16, 2020 - Jul 15, 2020
    Token supply: 2,000,000,000 TRNSC
    Total tokens for sale: 1,400,000,000 TRNSC
    Soft cap: 10,000,000 USD
    Hard cap: 98,000,000 USD


    Blockchain Platform: Ethereum
    Country limitations: North Korea
    Registration country: Estonia
    Registration year: 2019
    Office address: The City Center 800 Town and Country Blvd, Suite 300 Houston, Texas 77024 United States

    Token info

    Ticker: TRNSC
    Type: Utility-token
    Token price in USD: 1 TRNSC = 0.072 USD
    Accepted currencies: BTC, ETH, USD
    Token distribution:
    5 % - Bounty & Airdrop
    15 % - Team & Advisory
    5 % - Reward Engine & Platform
    5 % - Strategic Partnerships
    70 % - Coin Sale
    Funds allocation:
    13 % - Administration & Payroll
    12 % - Reserve
    5 % - Legal
    30 % - Platform & Core Product Development
    40 % - Marketing & Business Development

    Transmutecoin Roadmap


    COLDFALL corporation will initially focus on tire recycling industry to supply Tire Derived Fuel by using shredded and crumbled tires


    The company aims at converting tires to Gas, Kerosene and Carbon Black used for producing electricity and sold on annual contracts


    COLDFALL will start operations with one plant and increase efficiencies and throughput for future processing facilities


    Acquire and install the necessary facility, equipment and handling system and make it fully operational within six months.


    Increase the equipment to three lines in its first facility within 12 - 18 months


    Work with the Department of Energy and other federal, state and local governments for grants, additional fundings and research


    COLDFALL’s ZERO CO2 emission solution will help monetize the over 100 Million illegally dumped tires in the U.S. every year


    The company will acquire regional Tire Recyclers to increase its service footprint and grow its production capacity.


    Growing to other solutions with the destruction of Plastic and converting it to Jet fuel.


    COLDFALL will avoid plastic landfills and essentially replace recycling with its Transmutation process. Recycling plastics on a global scale has failed.


    To sell the green energy produced by COLDFALL with its subscribers using TRNSC Coins will receive a discount of 10% on their monthly electric bill.

    Project team

    Sam L. Little
    Sam L. Little
    Sam L. Little linkedin
    Rex L. Little
    Rex L. Little
    VP of Plant Operations & Maintenance
    Raymond L. Horn
    Raymond L. Horn
    Raymond L. Horn linkedin
    Derrick D. Jones
    Derrick D. Jones
    VP of Corporate Asset
    Lynette A. Brown
    Lynette A. Brown
    Heidi A. Cool
    Heidi A. Cool
    Dir. of IT and Web Development
    Heidi A. Cool linkedin
    Sandra Salim
    Sandra Salim
    Corporate Secretary
    Sandra Salim linkedin
    André Bustamante
    André Bustamante
    VP Human Resources, Political Liaison

    Social media

    Transmutecoin web-site Transmutecoin Reddit Transmutecoin Medium TransmutecoinYouTube Transmutecoin Telegram Transmutecoin BTCTalk Transmutecoin LinkedIn Transmutecoin X (Twitter) Transmutecoin Facebook

    One Response

  • Bitcoin-Ermittler January 17, 2020 at 11:53 pm

    Caveat Emptor…Coldfall is owned or controlled by known felon Mahammed “MJ” Shaheed. See Wyoming Secretary of State Business filings for Cold fall Corporation. Why if he is listed as a director is Coldfall not dislosing his association on their documents? Sam Little and Andre Bustamonte are known associates of Shaheed from Shaheed’s failed company Augrid. Shaheed has a lifetime suspension from the SEC

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