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Xcov.com (XCV)


Xcov.com is a smart digital currency trading platform lunched by traders to traders.

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Project industryTrading & Investing
Product typePlatform
WhitepaperXcov.com White Paper Open

What is Xcov.com

Xcov Trading generates profitable signals from its top traders based on its algorithm to guarantee the safe trading. Xcov goal is to get stable and long-term profit. Xcov analyses major currency pairs for users.

Xcov.com. offers traders to Create a multiple-currency wallet.

Investors of XCV TOKENs will receive monthly payments from XCOV platform’s profits.

The web dashboard and iOS/Android app give users instant access to trading signals and Trading Pool performance.


Pre-sales: Jun 01, 2018 - Jul 15, 2018
Pre-sale token supply: 150,000,000
Soft cap: 1,500,000 USD(fiat)
Hard cap: 7,500,000 USD(fiat)

Token info

Ticker: XCV
Type: Utility-token
Token price in USD: 1 XCV = 0.05 USD
Accepted currencies: ETH BTC LTC BCH
Bonus program:
Round 1: 35% bonus
Round 2: 25% bonus
Round 3: 15% bonus
Funds allocation:
40% - R&D
15% -Trading Pool
15% - Marketing expenses
25% - Capex, operational costs, study new strategies, algorithm improvements, crypto tradersadvisors
5% - Legal and compliance fees

Xcov.com Roadmap

Jan 2017

The project created by traders for traders. We wanted to contribute our experience on trading
in Binary Options Signals services and provide a quality product at an affordable price to help as
many traders as possible.

Feb 2018

After months of hard work developing a real profitable and stable trading method, we finally
decided to start with the trading signals. We created a web platform and an iOS/Android app
that allows users to receive notifications wherever they are.

Jun 2018

As detailed in the Whitepaper, this stage of the ICO will be open for the sale of part of the
tokens, offering an amazing bonus to reward early investors. A total of 150M XCV tokens will be
available, ensuring the development of the project at this early phase, as the soft cap is reached
at only $1.5M

Aug 2018

Here the rest of the ICO tokens will be available, also offering a varied % bonus to reward our
investors. Anyone who wants to secure a slot in this service should acquire tokens before
completion of this stage.

Sep 2018

One of the priorities of the team is to list XCV on multiple exchanges. Our social media will be
updated as and when we have new agreements with any exchanges. We are not expecting any
issues regarding listing as we have ERC20 structure common to most exchanges.

Sep 2018

We will continue for much of 2018 in the definitive and improved development of this
algorithm so that it adapts perfectly to the needs of our investors to take full advantage of
cryptocurrency trading and 55% of the XCOV platform's profits. Once this is completed, the
Trading Pool will begin to produce benefits for the ICO investors.
We will begin to make contact with the APIs of several exchanges to perform algorithm tests
directly on their platform.

Oct 2018

In this phase, a first version of the platform will be released, with which you can access signals
generated by the algorithm. It will be a BETA phase in which users can report problems or
provide improvements to the platform.

Dec 2018

Once the web platform and applications are working correctly, the next step, following the
corrected steps made in our previous service, will be to offer the Autotrading service for our
Premium users.

Project team

Gifford Bernard
Gifford Bernard
Gifford Bernard linkedin
Pomeroy Vertefeuille
Pomeroy Vertefeuille
IT Developer
Pomeroy Vertefeuille linkedin
Petra Horníková
Petra Horníková
Developing and operating
Petra Horníková linkedin
Grada Tinnemans
Grada Tinnemans
Grada Tinnemans linkedin
Amabella Melanson
Amabella Melanson
Amabella Melanson linkedin
Otáv Aire
Otáv Aire
Otáv Aire linkedin

Social media

Xcov.com web-siteXcov.com RedditXcov.com MediumXcov.comYouTubeXcov.com TelegramXcov.com X (Twitter)

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