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Decentralized web services, cloud computing services, powered by blockchain technology.

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Project industryBusiness Services & Consulting
Product typeTechnology
FoundedUnited Kingdom
WhitepaperDADI White Paper Open

What is DADI

DADI is a global, decentralized cloud platform, focused on the provision of web services to help you build, scale and grow your digital products.

DADI is organised as a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organisation). It has a decentralized and open structure enabling individual parties to interact using a trustless, consensus based system based on proof of stake and proof of work.

Unlike existing centralized cloud services, DADI implements a fog computing structure - a 1 decentralized pool of devices, all of which are connected to the Internet.

With DADI there is no single authority that regulates computing resource distribution. The platform uses cost-efficient fog computing rather than a centralized cloud structure, removing the need to pay in advance for private and monopolized cloud computing platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.

Consumers can access a platform that has a far greater geographical coverage and that is significantly cheaper than existing cloud services can offer. Miners can monetize their spare computational power and bandwidth through putting it to work at various levels within the DADI platform.

The migration from traditional cloud infrastructure to decentralized web services will not happen overnight: it will be a transition measured in months and years, but the result will be a radical overhaul of the ownership of core web infrastructure, driving an incredibly strong ROI for the project's early adopters.

The DADI token price is supported by stable and growing market demand for cloud computing and web services, underpinned by the ability to provide competitive pricing.

Every digital product is powered by web services. Every business using the web can already leverage DADI technology for improved efficiency and performance, but soon the DADI network will be able to support these web services at a price point unimaginable today – some 90% cheaper than traditional cloud services such as AWS. Plus, anyone with a laptop, games console, mobile phone or any connected device will be able to earn income by providing spare computation capacity for rent.

DADI represents a radical overhaul of the cloud computing sector. Its mission is to uphold the founding principles of the Web by democratizing computational power.


Pre-sales: Jan 22, 2018 - Jan 29, 2018
Public sales: Jan 29, 2018 - Mar 01, 2018
Total tokens for sale: 100,000,000 DADI
Soft cap: 1,000,000USD
Hard cap: 28,750,000 USD
Raised: 28,750,000 USD


Blockchain Platform: Ethereum

Token info

Ticker: DADI
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: ERC-20
Token price in USD: 1 DADI = 0.4 USD
Accepted currencies: ETH
Bonus program:
Pre-Sale - 20%
Token distribution:
10% - Partners
60% - Investors
20% - The DADI founding team
2,5% - Ecosystem fund
2,5% - DADI+ ops
5% - Referral program
Funds allocation:
10% - The founders of DADI
50% - R&D
10% - Infrastructure
25% - Marketing & partnerships
5% - Indirect costs

DADI Roadmap

Q3 2017

DADI Web (v4.0)
Version 4.0 milestone release of DADI Web brings several performance enhancements and a simplified codebase for easier maintenance.

Q3 2017

DADI API (v3.0)
Version 3.0 milestone release of DADI API will widen the choice of data connectors available and allow engineers to build their own.

Q3 2017

Hardware test bed for Stargate, Gateway and Host
Custom build server-class hardware installed with Netwise in London Bridge.

Q3 2017

Beta release: DADI Publish
Full public release of DADI publishing interfaces: production ready build, complete with baseline test coverage.

Q1 2018

Testnet production testing
Development and release of test network using Raspberry Pi machines located at DADI team members’ homes and offices.

Q1 2018

DADI KYC system
Development and release of secure Know Your Customer system supported by dedicated team of staff in London.

Q1 2018

DADI Presale
Development and release of account pages and supporting system to manage contributions to Presale on January 22nd at 12.00UTC.

Q1 2018

DADI Public sale
Development and release of account pages and supporting system to manage contributions to Public sale on January 29th at 12.00UTC.

Q1 2018

Preview release:
Concept interfaces for all-new website, to replace existing and properties.

Q1 2018

Alpha release: DADI Track
First release of DADI’s enterprise-strength web, mobile and event analytics platform. Private Alpha for testing and development.

Q1 2018

DADI CDN (v2.0)
Mid-term release to include plugin support, simplified URL paths for CSS and JS assets, ES6 compression ad transpiling.

Q1 2018

DADI token distribution
Distribution of DADI tokens to all crowdsale participants via the wallet addresses registered at their DADI account page.

Q1 2018

Referral data available on account pages
Account pages will show how many user referrals participated in the DADI crowdsale and how many tokens to be received as a result.

Q2 2018

DADI API (v3.1)
Milestone release of our API web service, adding multi-collection reference fields and modularised field types.

Q2 2018

DADI Web (v6.0)
Significant feature release for DADI Web, to include multiple API support and debug view.

Q2 2018

Beta release: new
Launch of all-new website, to replace existing and properties.

Q2 2018

DADI CDN (v3.0)
Network-ready release of DADI CDN – the first web service to be made available for DADI network.

Q2 2018

Beta release: DADI Gateway
First release of DADI Gateway, containing MVP VPC functionality, messaging and a custom Job queue.

Q2 2018

Beta release: DADI Stargate
First full release of DADI Stargate for testing with trusted partners.

Q2 2018

Beta release: DADI Host
First release of DADI Host, containing MVP Docker layer, Gateway integration and support for DADI CDN.

Q2 2018

Beta release: Mainnet
DADI network up and running with “backbone” Stargate, Gateway and Host set in key locations. Network open for testing by early adopters.

Q2 2018

DADI CDN network-ready
First release of network-ready version of DADI CDN, our faster and more efficient decentralized content delivery network

Q3 2018

Introduces an advanced permissions system, making it easier for end-users or client-side applications to communicate with API directly

Q4 2018

Founding Nodes online
Devices shipped and onboarding process underway for the first phase of devices to be connected to the DADI network

Q4 2018

DADI 'Constellation' live
Full public release of the self-serve DADI network, allowing customers to access and set up CDN via

Q1 2019

Search added to
A site-wide search function for for interrogation of all key sections from product pages to technology documentation

Q1 2019

Edge Embedded Beta
Edge embedded is an extremely lightweight binary image of Host, designed specifically for use in embedded devices such as wifi routers and set top boxes

Q1 2019

Edge Storage network-ready
First release of network-ready version of Edge Storage, our cloud storage solution for all types of data, with built-in security, privacy and redundancy

Q2 2019

Auto payouts
The distribution of earnings from device contributions to the network, abstracted from account pages

Q2 2019

DADI API network-ready
First release of network-ready version of DADI API, our RESTful API layer designed in support of API-first development and COPE

Q2 2019

DADI Publish network-ready
First release of network-ready version of DADI Publish, the content management layer within the DADI suite of applications

Q2 2019

Visualisation of earnings
Contributors to the DADI network can see in detail how their devices are performing – and how many DADI tokens being earned

Q2 2019

Network explorer live
A network explorer to visualise and monitor performance of Hosts, Gateways, Stargates within the DADI network

Q2 2019

Enable earning withdrawal from accounts
The ability to withdraw earnings accrued by device contribution to the DADI network, via your account pages at Supersedes automatic payouts

Q3 2019

DNS updates
The DNS layer in the Edge network now has full support for all major record types, as well as enhanced functionality such as geo-routing and weighting. This update provides us with a beta build of the customer interface set for testing, which enables the migration the domains that we are currently managing elsewhere.

Q3 2019

Multi DC, Vault, ACL and DNS
Our next major update to mainnet brings fundamental changes to the structure of the network, introducing the concept of regionality, per device session management and ACL, and rolling out Edge DNS as the second fully live service in the network. The changes here are on the critical path for both scaling out network services and for self-onboarding.

Q3 2019

Brand update
We are refreshing and repositioning our brand to focus on core network services. As supporters already know, we’ve shifted focus from web services to focus on the network itself in much more depth, opening it up for others to build on and work with. Updating the brand itself is a key step in this evolution. The brand update includes the release of a new version of our site.

Q3 2019

Network backbone rentals
As part of our commitment to full-decentralization, we will be making the Stargates and Gateways in the network backbone directly available for rent, helping to ensure network stability and providing access to network revenue without needing to individually ensure device uptime and performance.

Q3 2019

Earning automation
Earning automation is the point at which payouts move to a fully automated footing in the network. For this update payouts will remain monthly, automated against earnings and displayed within contributor dashboards. Over time the frequency of payouts will increase, with the ultimate goal of getting them to as near to real time as possible.

Q3 2019

Web services migration
We are in the midst of breaking the web services out of the network to enable a focused go to market strategy core network services. But don’t worry, we’re not throwing the web services away! Instead they are going to be launched under their own brand as a SaaS proposition specifically targeted at the easy production of content-led digital products.This approach also means that we don’t lose the momentum and investment made in the web services to date, and will present a stand alone entry point to use of the network (use of the web services under their new brand will deliver revenue directly back to the network).

Q3 2019

Self onboarding: Hosts
Self onboarding is the point at which we are able to open up the network to contributions beyond our partners and Founding Nodes. It is the point at which we can begin to truly scale network capacity. The security challenges related to the support of an ad-hoc set of untrusted devices is highly significant: the solution in the Edge network relies on a consensus mechanism that operates at DNS level and across all nodes in the network. In the first instance self-onboarding will be gated and limited to Linux devices. This will be broadened out as we gather performance data and scale usage in to the new devices set

Q3 2019

Network CLI Beta
The network CLI is a command line interface for interacting directly with network services. It communicates with Stargates to enable the deployment and management of service in the network, including device configuration for self onboarding. It is built on the building blocks of the existing CLI (

Q4 2019

Edge storage beta
Edge storage provides object storage and Edge caching within the network. This update marks the completion of testnet benchmarking in preparation for mainnet release and testing. Storage shards files across multiple hosts, building in a high level of security in that no one host stores the complete image of a single file.

Q4 2019

Full Open source
We are in the midst of producing a series of patent applications for the core network. This is designed to protect the core IP of the network for the benefit of the whole community, providing a barrier to entry to other organisations in the space, and in so doing promoting the Edge network as the protocol for edge computing. This is a drawn out process that has been ongoing for a long time. However we are nearing the end and expect to have filled in the coming few months. As soon as this is the case we will be able to fully open source the code base for the network.

Q4 2019

Edge Compute Beta
Like a virtual machine, but hyper localized. Our containerized app layer enables you to distribute your applications directly to the Edge network, with a real-time distribution matrix that automatically deploys and scales based on demand.

Q4 2019

CDN conversion to Go
The conversion of CDN to GO is all about enhancing performance and reducing the footprint of CDN within Host devices. The current build of CDN in node is some 600MB+ – a large footprint for a network app by any measure. The conversion to GO is targeting a footprint of sub 10MB.

Q1 2020

Edge for mobile: iOS
he mobile build of Host is in heavy R&D. The concept is to enable an SDK for app developers that embeds Host within existing apps, offsetting their infrastructure costs by contributing to the network. We are also working on the build of a dedicated - and earning - app for the network.

Project team

Joseph Denne
Joseph Denne
Founder & CEO
Joseph Denne linkedin
Chris Mair
Chris Mair
Founding Partner
Chris Mair linkedin
Will Lebens
Will Lebens
Founding Partner
Will Lebens linkedin
Paul Kingsley
Paul Kingsley
Chief Operating Officer
Paul Kingsley linkedin
Arthur Mingard
Arthur Mingard
Chief Technology Officer
Arthur Mingard linkedin
Eduardo Bouças
Eduardo Bouças
Principal Engineer
Eduardo Bouças linkedin
Ravi Chandwani
Ravi Chandwani
Design Director
Ravi Chandwani linkedin
Jo Biddulph
Jo Biddulph
Tech. Implementation Director
Jo Biddulph linkedin
Paul Regan
Paul Regan
Product Director
Paul Regan linkedin
Viktor Fero
Viktor Fero
Principal Engineer
Viktor Fero linkedin
Meher Assel
Meher Assel
Senior Engineer
Meher Assel linkedin
Adam K Dean
Adam K Dean
Principal Network Engineer
Adam K Dean linkedin
Jean-Luc Thiébaut
Jean-Luc Thiébaut
Senior Engineer
Jean-Luc Thiébaut linkedin
Dave Macpherson
Dave Macpherson
Software Test Engineer
Dave Macpherson linkedin
Peishan Chen
Peishan Chen
Senior Project Manager
Peishan Chen linkedin
Anton Naumovets
Anton Naumovets
Senior Engineer
Bolaji Oyewole
Bolaji Oyewole
Community Manager
Bolaji Oyewole twitter
Joshua Overbye
Joshua Overbye
Product Designer


David Wilde
David Wilde
David Wilde linkedin
James Lambie
James Lambie
James Lambie linkedin
Robert Belgrave
Robert Belgrave
Robert Belgrave twitter

Social media

DADI web-siteDADI RedditDADI MediumDADI TelegramDADI X (Twitter)DADI FacebookDADI Github

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