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Decibels (DCBL)

Decibels bounty

Decibels is a provider of multi-media encryption and delivery on the Blockchain.

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Project industryExchanges & Wallets
Product typeDApp
WhitepaperDecibels White Paper Open

Technical details

Dapp, online wallet.

What is Decibels

Decibels will integrate an atomic swap feature allowing users to receive payments in Decibels and then exchange them to whatever token that is supporting an atomic swap exchange at that time. There is Dapp developed to support high-priority transactions and online wallet with debit card companies for direct access to earnings through ATM and NFC Payment applications.

The project plans to be integrated in multi-media platforms such as Youtube, Netflix, SiriusXM and other.


Pre-sales: Mar 01, 2018 - Mar 07, 2018
Public sales: Mar 09, 2018 - May 10, 2018
Pre-sale token supply: 10000000
Token supply: 50000000


Country limitations: Canada, United States


Bounty: 2%
Translation: 12%
Social media: 15%
Bitcoin talk signature campaign: 38 %
Other: 35

Token info

Ticker: DCBL
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: ERC-20
Token price in USD: 1 Token = 2.000000 USD
Accepted currencies: ETH
Bonus program:
Pre-ICO - 90% (1 DCBL = $0.2)
March 9th - March 20th - 75% (1 DCBL = $0.5)
March 21st - April 9th - 50% (1 DCBL = $1)
April 9th - May 9th - 0% (1 DCBL = $2)
Token distribution:
40% - Crowd Sale
20% - Pre-Sale
12% - Team
20% - Development
8% - Bounty, Rewards, Bonuses

Decibels Roadmap

January 1st, 2018

Decibel is born. Decibel is born with the goal of creating the first decentralized jet stream media exchange. With plans to innovate and revolutionize how content is delivered, exchanged, and secured, Decibels will grab the content media marketplace by the claws and show them the bulls are here to stay.

February - March 2018

ICO and team solidification (marketing and development).
The Pre-Sale and Crowd-Sale will feature Decibel at its mowest market rate. During this time, the team will be solidify its assigned positions to further display the team goals and modules to the public.

April 2018

Token distribution and market corrections.
Decibel will begin to distribute the tokens to the designated wallet addresses. During this time, we will address our community on what they expect from the market and any corrections that should follow.

May - August 2018

Wallet development DecibelLock integration. Decibel Wallet development will finish with the addition os the DecibelLock Integration. Wallet will feature many necessary components to be used DecibelMedia.

September - December 2018

DecibelMedia development will take place while implementing the features os DecibelLock and DecibelWallet into play. DecibelMedia will be the central development hub for Decibels.

January 1st, 2019

DecibelMedia BETA release. Decibel will feature its first massive release of DecibelMedia. The first step of integration for larger development of Decibels. This Beta will feature 100+ radio stations, five developers, artists, musicians, doctors, and manufactures alike. All seeking to secure and distribute their content.

February 2019

DecibelMedia will undergo a algorithm overhaul where we implement the encryption and content algorithm we have been developing to ensure 1-to-1 content delivery and access. Allowing for value of a file to travel to and from its receiver and sender. This value will constantly be built upon by additions and the traffic generation by the file.

March - December 2019

Jet-Stream Satellite Distribution.
Decibel will begin implementation of its research of Jet-Stream Satellite Distribution of its members file contents. Creating a network derived from a web of satellites used to receive, send, encrypt, monitor, and ensure files are sent and received by the designated parties. Creating a security center for your files.

July - December 2019

Decibels development hardware implementation. Decibels will begin manufacturing of its hardware implementation. Dedicated to being implement in vehicles, mobile devices, computers, hospitals, offices, warehouses, and homes. Decibels will revolutionize the way.

January 2020

Decibels Network. The new year in 2020 will feature the first signs of the Decibels Network. Created to spread specific information regarding the Decibels Development, Decibel Media, Decibel Lock, and other related developments. It will also feature content from our clients.

January 2021

Decibels Network Finalized. The Decibels Network will be finalized and Decibel Media, Decibel Lock, and Decibel Wallet will be added to the final development. The Decibels Network will feature all content from our originators and will ensure 1-to-1 content delivery chosen by the receiver. The network will develop a marketplace of information and content with values based on demand, quality, and exchange rates.

January 2021

Decibel Waves. Decibel Waves information will be released mid roadmap. Please be patient and BULL WITH US!

Project team

Anthony Colón Jr
Anthony Colón Jr
Founder and Chairman of Board
Anthony Colón Jr linkedin
Vincenzo Boyd
Vincenzo Boyd
Chief Executive Officer
Vincenzo Boyd linkedin
Carlos Crespo
Carlos Crespo
Chief Operations Officer
Carlos Crespo linkedin
Ian Jackson
Ian Jackson
Chief Marketing Officer
Ian Jackson linkedin
Amit Verma
Amit Verma
Lead Back-End Developer
Amit Verma linkedin
Brian Zermeno
Brian Zermeno
Lead Blockchain Developer
Brian Zermeno linkedin
Michael E. Bryant, MA, MBA, CPA, CBE
Michael E. Bryant, MA, MBA, CPA, CBE
Non-Executive Chairman of Board & Advisor
Michael E. Bryant, MA, MBA, CPA, CBE linkedin

Social media

Decibels web-siteDecibels TelegramDecibels BTCTalkDecibels LinkedInDecibels X (Twitter)

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