What is handle.fi
The handle protocol allows users to create (borrow) multi-currency stablecoins; called fxTokens.
FxTokens are collateral backed stablecoins representing, and soft pegged to, a range of currencies.
Users create fxTokens by depositing eligible collateral, as defined by the protocol governance process.
initial rollout is targeted for fxTokens representing Australian Dollar (fxAUD), Japanese Yen (fxJPY), Korean Won (fxKRW), Chinese Renmimbi (fxCNY), and Singapore Dollar (fxSGD).
DetailsPublic sales: Sep 21, 2021 - Sep 23, 2021IEO (Gate Launchpad): Sep 24, 2021 - Sep 25, 2021 Token supply: 420,000,000 FOREX Total tokens for sale: 21,000,000 FOREX | Token infoTicker: FOREXAccepted currencies: ETH Token distribution: 22.0% - team and advisors 26.9% - strategic partners 5.0% - community TGE 41.1% - protocol rewards 5% - handle DAO |
handle.fi Roadmap
mint/Burn live on kovan testnet
- fxAUD
- ETH - collateral deposit/stake
- dashboard - collateral management (deposit/withdraw ETH)
liquidation mechanism v1.0 + keeper pools + parity redemptions
multi collateral vaults, add wBTC & DAI....(and maybe even DOGEO)
add fxTokens
- fxCNY , fxEUR, fxKRW, fxSGD
front end stake and convert
protocol controlled treasury v1.0
Arbitrum testnet launch
handle SDK
ethereum Arbitrum One mainnet launch.
protocol rewards launch.
additional collateral types, and fxTokens.
leveraged fxTokens.
x - asset swaps.
fast L2=>L1 bridge.
multi-chain deploys.
Social media