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Hunter AI (HUNTR)


Introducing Hunter AI, your premier Crypto Trading Companion! Leveraging advanced AI algorithms, it scans platforms and social networks to pinpoint high-potential tokens, minimizing risks associated with MEME coins. No paid shills, just pure AI analysis. Identifying gems with precision, it ensures security and reduces the risk of scams.

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Project industryAI & Neural Networks
Product typeService

What is Hunter AI

A sustainable revenue model sustains continual improvements, while upcoming features include expanded network coverage and a lightning-fast, low-cost trading bot. With continuous improvements, Hunter AI maximizes returns, empowering users to unlock maximum profits in the dynamic market. Improve your trade win-to-loss ratio with AI assistance.

Advanced AI Algorithms: Hunter AI stands at the forefront of innovation, offering a comprehensive solution to enhance trading intelligence. Our platform harnesses advanced AI algorithms to scan multiple platforms and social networks, identifying high-potential tokens with remarkable precision. With a focus on minimizing risks associated with volatile tokens, particularly MEME coins and high potential fair launch projects, our technology ensures that investors are equipped with the insights needed to navigate the market confidently.


IDO (Ixirpad Launchpad): TBA - TBA
IDO (Siriuspad Launchpad): TBA - TBA


Blockchain Platform: Base Network
Registration year: 2024

Token info

Ticker: HUNTR
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: ERC-20
Token price in USD: 1 HUNTR = 0.001 USDT
Token distribution:
Private Investors - 5%
Liquidity - 72%
Advisory - 5%
Team - 8%
CEX Listing - 10%

Social media

Hunter AI web-siteHunter AI TelegramHunter AI Twitter

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