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SmartInsurProtocol (SIP)


SmartInsurProtocol, an insurance underlying chain based on public Blockchain protocol, provides smart contract marketplace for insurance carriers to launch and sell insurance products, for applicants to apply for insurance and claims, and certifies, manages AI learning.

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Project industryInsurance
Product typeEcosystem
WhitepaperSmartInsurProtocol White Paper Open

What is SmartInsurProtocol

SmartInsurProtocol creates an insurance community that introduces an insurance market in which assureds will enjoy benefits, service providers will earn profit and investor will gain rewards. All contributors in SmartInsurProtocol community will add up to the development and achievement of this insurance underlying chain and benefit from it. SmartInsurProtocol has utilized Blockchain technology to streamline the procedure of application, policy and claims handling. This insurance underlying chain connects insurance players of all areas from around the globe. SIP token will be used to encourage members and operators of the SmartInsurProtocol community and be used to support publishing and purchasing of insurance products, commission settlements to agents, product token settlements, and claims settlement in the eco-system.


Token supply: 2,000,000,000


Country limitations: China, United States,
Registration country: Singapore

Token info

Ticker: SIP
Type: Utility-token
Token price in USD: 1 SIP = 0.0054 USD
Accepted currencies: ETH
Token distribution:
40% private equity
30% setup of project fund
15% founding team and consultant team
10% bonus to participants involved in building SmartInsurProtocol eco-system
5% marketing and costs of partnership.
Funds allocation:
AI algorithm and robot development 20%
Blockchain ecosystem and application development 25%
Commercial promotions and community operation 25%
Daily operational costs 15%
Legal and taxation services 10%
floating reserve 5%

SmartInsurProtocol Roadmap

Q1 2018

proof-of Concert logic display page completion Rules and regulations on insurance underlying chain structure design, product publishing limit, and reserves criteria for community access, identity management and interaction protocol matching

Q2 2018

Completion of smart contract algorithm and product development framework for insurance products, insurance product investment, insurance policy, claims handling, insurance robots

Q3 2018

Release Beta version for PC, providing product publishing function and publish 2~3 insurance products

Q4 2018

Release v.1.0 for PC, providing product support function, complete supports for initial products

Q1 2019

provide product sales, insurance application functions; publish initial products facing community members build machine learning modular, provide initial robot authentication modular authentication of product publisher, salesperson, underwriter and claims managers and their robots

Q2 2019

Release v.1.0 for PC frequent functions deployed to mobile, supporting mobile product publishing, support, sales and applicaiton machine learning modular for robot evolutions

Q3 2019

Release v.2.0 for PC, providing claims request, claims handling and renewal managemet platform will support more types of products

Q4 2019

Release v.2.0 completion of DAO, AI machine learning modular for robots evolution, data sharing and training on request


Leo Wang
Leo Wang
David Tang
David Tang
Michael Faber
Michael Faber
Hitoshi Nemoto
Hitoshi Nemoto
Pierre Martelly
Pierre Martelly
Sang-Soo Lee
Sang-Soo Lee
Katie Gang
Katie Gang

Social media

SmartInsurProtocol web-siteSmartInsurProtocolYouTubeSmartInsurProtocol TelegramSmartInsurProtocol X (Twitter)SmartInsurProtocol FacebookSmartInsurProtocol Github

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