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Tezos Domains (TED)


Creating human-readable names for cryptocurrency addresses on Tezos network.

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Project industryInternet & Telecommunications
Project launchpadTrustSwap Launchpad
Product typeService
WhitepaperTezos Domains White Paper Open

What is Tezos Domains

Tezos Domains is a service that allows anyone to create a unique domain name and secure ownership on the Tezos Blockchain. These domains can be used to associate a web3 wallet address with a website, share an avatar, publish verifiable contact information, and more. Backed by the Tezos Foundation, Tezos Domains has been running for 2 years with 150k domains already registered and is one of the most successful Dapps on Tezos. Tezos Domain Names are already integrated into many popular Dapps on Tezos including Plenty DEX, Kukai Wallet, Temple Wallet, Mailchain, Ledger, and TzKT. With Tezos Domains, wallets and dApps in the Tezos ecosystem now allow you to use a human-readable Tezos Domain Name instead of complex public key addresses. Compatible platforms show these domain names where Tezos addresses would normally be. Users can also publish websites using Tezos Domains via decentralized content hosting such as the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS). Similar in function to Ethereum Name Service (ENS), Tezos Domains, offers the same core utilities and value specifically tailored for the Tezos blockchain and community.
  • Use your Tezos Domain Name to store all of your addresses and receive any cryptocurrency, token, or NFT on Tezos.
  • Launch censorship-resistant decentralized websites secured by the Tezos blockchain.
  • Mint and trade unique Domain Name NFTs on Tezos.


IDO (TrustSwap Launchpad): Sep 25, 2023 - Sep 25, 2023
IDO (TrustSwap Launchpad (for Tezos Community)): Sep 15, 2023 - Sep 15, 2023
Token supply: 100,000,000 TED
Total tokens for sale: 8,500,000 TED


Country limitations: United States, Algeria, Afghanistan, Bolivia, Burundi, Cambodia, Central African Republic, China, Colombia, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Crimea, Cuba, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Donetsk People’s Republic, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guyana, Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Liberia, Luhansk People’s Republic, Morocco, Myanmar, Nepal, North Macedonia, Palestinian Territories, Republic of Belarus, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan (incl. Darfur), Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen and Zimbabwe

Token info

Ticker: TED
Type: Utility-token
Token price in USD: 1 TED = 0.04 USD
Token distribution:
Airdrop - 7.50%
Core Team - 20.00%
Advisors - 1.35%
DAO Community Treasury - 28.15%
Liqudity - 15.00%
Staking - 15.00%
Public Launchpad - 11.00%
Tezos Foundation - 2.00%

Tezos Domains Roadmap

Q3 2023
  • Launchpad Announcement
  • PR Publications
  • KOL Collaborations
  • DEX Listing
  • CEX Listing
  • Airdrops
  • Staking Go-Live
Q4 2023
  • Offer pricing in stable coins
  • Offer discounted pricing in TED token
  • Integrated secondary market add English and Dutch auctions
  • Tezos Rollups integration
  • Comprehensive UX overhaul
  • NFT avatar support
  • Extend access control for domains
  • Extend the notifications customization and controls
  • Community proposed features

Project team

Andrew Paulicek
Andrew Paulicek
Andrew Paulicek linkedin
Miroslav Bodecek
Miroslav Bodecek
Technical Lead
Miroslav Bodecek linkedin
Roxin Cernica
Roxin Cernica
Software Engineer
Roxin Cernica linkedin
Martin Paulicek
Martin Paulicek
Software Engineer
Mikulas Hayek
Mikulas Hayek
Software Engineer
Christian Maskill
Christian Maskill
David Rybar
David Rybar
Peter Smolinsky
Peter Smolinsky
Backend Engineer

Social media

Tezos Domains web-siteTezos Domains MediumTezos Domains LinkedInTezos Domains X (Twitter)Tezos Domains Discord



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