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Althea is a platform for distributed payments in a cooperative or multi-entity network. It combines a micro-transaction framework for programmatic and near real-time payments between peers.

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Project industryInternet & Telecommunications
Product typeOrganization
FoundedUnited States
WhitepaperAlthea White Paper Open
OnepagerAlthea Onepager Open

What is Althea

As the number of connected individuals and devices expands, the “last mile” a continues to be the greatest challenge both in the connected and developing worlds, representing a disproportionate portion of the cost and difficulty of connecting the world.

Althea is meant to operate on the last mile, from a source of internet connectivity to the end user, and creates a distributed ISP. The last mile is currently an inefficient market and many areas only have one ISP. Althea aims to replace centralized ISPs with a competitive market of individuals and businesses providing participating in one decentralized network.

Althea’s goal is for any person to be able to install a piece of equipment, participate in the decentralized ISP, and receive payment for the service.

  • Switching costs within the system are reduced, as nodes switch between connectivity providers to find a route with the best combination of reliability,bandwidth, and low cost.
  • Advertising and marketing costs for the connectivity providers are eliminated, as the only advertisements in this system are the automatic advertisements of price and route quality between nodes. This makes things easy for new entrants.
  • Contract and billing costs are eliminated by payment channels. Payment channels allow one to make micropayments with very low overhead.

The Althea blockchain is secured by a distributed network of token holders and validators that process transactions. By contrast, centralized payment solutions require permissioned coordination, and are often restricted by bespoke regulation or restrictions.

Althea’s telecom blockchain will also open DeFi functionality to telecom carriers and users with Gravity, the Ethereum to Cosmos Bridge, where they can seamlessly leverage the liquidity of their networks for additional investment strategies. Because Althea is built using the Cosmos SDK and with Gravity functionality, carriers can also interoperate easily with other Cosmos blockchains using IBC (inter blockchain communication).


Blockchain Platform: Cosmos SDK
Registration year: 2018
Office address: 350 Columbia River Hwy, Clatskanie Oregon 97016

Althea Roadmap

Q1 2022
  • Launch of Althea blockchain!
  • Althea networks live in Centralia and Tacoma Washington
  • KeyLTE routers and available, expanding private LTE and fixed wireless use cases
  • Development of LTE capable IOT devices
  • KeyLTE pilots of Smart Ag integrations in Illinois, Oregon and Indiana
Q2 2022
  • Introduction of new smart contracts for infrastructure investment
  • New fiber network build outs
  • Early tests of Public/Private LTE networks
  • Expansion of LTE use cases
  • Launches in Atlanta and Denver and rural Nebraska
  • Puerto Rico networks
Q3 2022
  • Integration of Althea blockchain in routers with a more seamless fiat on and off ramps
  • MVP of integrated Defi with Althea routers
  • Launches in San Diego, Puerto Rico and expansion in rural Oregon
Q4 2022
  • Production public/private LTE instances
  • Plug and play LTE for Smart Ag and Private LTE
  • New Market launches possible in Carson City, rural Georgia and North Carolina.
  • Support for partner networks and systemization of network protocol transition with existing networks

Project team

Deborah Simpier
Deborah Simpier
Cofounder / CEO
Deborah Simpier linkedin
Justin Kilpatrick
Justin Kilpatrick
Cofounder / CTO
Justin Kilpatrick linkedin
Christian Borst
Christian Borst
Senior Blockchain Engineer
Kenneth Gal
Kenneth Gal
Head of Marketing
Silas Goforth
Silas Goforth
Regional Director
William Moglia
William Moglia
Head of Community
Stephen Schumacher
Stephen Schumacher
Head of Deployments
Kenneth Tang
Kenneth Tang
Software Engineer
Skyler Templeton
Skyler Templeton
Regional Director
Pranay Tulugu
Pranay Tulugu
Software Engineer

Social media

Althea web-siteAlthea RedditAlthea MediumAltheaYouTubeAlthea InstagramAlthea LinkedInAlthea X (Twitter)Althea FacebookAlthea DiscordAlthea Github

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