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Clusters is a groundbreaking crosschain name service designed to address the challenges posed by address fragmentation and wallet management complexities across multiple blockchains.

Seed Round: $9 Million

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Project industryInternet & Telecommunications / Identity & Reputation
Product typeService

What is Clusters

Clusters is a cross-chain, multi-wallet name service aimed at tackling crypto’s fragmentation issues that arise when users want to transact between wallets on various sprawling networks.

Many users have multiple wallets for various purposes, often scattered across incompatible blockchains, and the Web3 ecosystem should be built around this understanding. Whether users are trading cryptocurrencies, gaming, or holding NFTs, Clusters proposes to help aggregate assets in a single place. To do this, the team has utilized back-end bridges, partnering with interoperability protocol LayerZero.


Raised: 9,000,000 USD


Registration year: 2023

Social media

Clusters web-siteClusters X (Twitter)

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