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DéMars is Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) blockchain which uses network segments to reduce the storage and network transfer costs, thereby enabling it to execute on mobile nodes.

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Project industryFinance Services & Banking
Product typeTechnology
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What is DeMars

Cryptocurrencies have become popular since Bitcoin [1] was introduced in 2009. They maintain a distributed ledger of transactions which are validated in a decentralized manner without requiring a trusted arbitrator. This is achieved using various consensus mechanisms.

The original proof-of-work mechanism proposed in Bitcoin relies on solving a cryptographic puzzle and leads to high electricity costs and the concentration of mining power in places with cheaper electricity. Alternatives include proof-of-stake algorithms in which the voting power is decided based on the amount staked by an user. These users then reach consensus using algorithms like PBFT or XFT. However, though this reduces the cost of expensive computations, the voting power is concentrated in the hands of users with more money. Moreover, high storage and bandwidth requirements make these systems difficult to realize in areas with poor internet services and expensive hardware. The users in such areas often only have access to mobile phones. With mobile devices, storage is limited and though newer devices are computationally capable, they are limited by their batteries.

To address these challenges, D´eMars proposes a blockchain that can run trustlessly and securely with low computing and low data transfer requirements. Nodes are fully autonomous and do not depend on third parties or other nodes for full validation. It runs on a structured peer-to-peer network based on hypercube geometry. Hypercube geometry is based on a concept of measurable node proximity by using Hamming distances between nodes and provides an efficient navigation algorithm to communicate with defined neighbourhoods. This provides D´eMars with unbiased network zones at different points in time which are responsible for electing proposers and validators which carry out consensus messaging within the boundaries of the zones.

D´eMars deviates majorly from most blockchain solutions by the supposition that all blocks, which maintain all the transactions since the genesis block which in the case of Bitcoin involves a download of over 150GB of data (at the time of writing), are not necessary to validate a blockchain. Several properties of the D´eMars blockchain together allow the full validation of transactions even though nodes hold only a partial blockchain:

  • Unspent account balance commitment (UABC) snapshots and embedded at checkpoint blocks in the blockchain.
  • The PBFT consensus algorithm makes it practically infeasible to fork the blockchain.
  • Jump or skip blocks effectively allow a logarithmic forward traversal of the blockchain and the possibility of a linear backwards traversal, made possible by verifiable validator sets.
  • Transactions are stored inside buckets in a block. This allows the retrieval of a subset of account balances relevant to current operations. Bucketing is based on the address of the sender and receiver.
  • Blocks and buckets are distributed in different parts in the network, reducing the storage overheads.
  • Details of each of these properties and how the combination of these properties achieve low data transfer rates, low computing requirements while not compromising trust, are covered in the next sections.

    The low computing and data transfer requirements of running D´eMars means that mobile phones can participate in the network and no tiered node structure is required. A mobile node does not compromise its trust model and operates in the same capacity and independence as any other node on the network unlike most other blockchains where mobile clients have to either depend on 3rd party centralized API wallets or trust full nodes to reduce the data transfer load (SPV wallets). With Bitcoin, less than 10,000 full nodes validate transactions, with the node distribution skewed to a handful of countries. In D´eMars, all user nodes can participate in node validation.


    Pre-sales: Nov 15, 2018 - Dec 15, 2018
    Token supply: 8,000,000,000


    Country limitations: Algeria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, China, Ecuador, Egypt,
    Ghana, Indonesia, Iraq, Libya, Macedonia, Morocco, Namibia, Nepal, Pakistan, United States, Vietnam
    Registration country: Seychelles
    Office address: Company No: 206697.
    1st Floor - Oliaji Trade Centre, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles.

    Token info

    Ticker: DMC
    Type: Utility-token
    Token price in USD: 1 DMC = 0.011 USD
    Token price in EUR: 1 DMC = 0.01 EUR
    Accepted currencies: BTC,ETH,USD,EUR
    Bonus program:
    Pre-ICO - 20%
    Token distribution:
    80% - token sale
    10% - team
    10% - DeMars Foundation

    DeMars Roadmap

    December 2017

    March Hare & Co Ltd established in Mauritius.

    August 2018

    Delivery of the Alpha Network and ABCI Testnet.

    June 2019

    Delivery of the Beta Mobile App and live rollout of the remittance solution
    in South Africa and Zimbabwe.

    January 2020

    Smart contract implementation & 3rd party developer support.

    June 2020

    Additional language support and rollout to the rest of Africa and Europe.

    Project team

    Shaun Burrow
    Shaun Burrow
    Founder & CEO
    Shaun Burrow linkedin
    Lomeus Cloete
    Lomeus Cloete
    Software Engineer
    Yann De Ravel
    Yann De Ravel
    Yann De Ravel linkedin
    Nini Moru
    Nini Moru
    Community Leader
    Nini Moru linkedin
    Joseph Samwel Kaaya
    Joseph Samwel Kaaya
    Community Leader Tanzania
    Joseph Samwel Kaaya linkedin
    Calvin Ebun-Amu
    Calvin Ebun-Amu
    Community LeaderNigeria
    Calvin Ebun-Amu linkedin

    Social media

    DeMars web-siteDeMars MediumDeMarsYouTubeDeMars BTCTalkDeMars LinkedInDeMars X (Twitter)DeMars FacebookDeMars Github



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