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DFantasy (FAN)


DFantasy is a decentralized and community-driven platform based on ERC20 token standard and Ethereum blockchain.

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Project industryGaming & VR
Product typePlatform
WhitepaperDFantasy White Paper Open

Technical details

Ethereum ERC20 standard token.

What is DFantasy

Globally Available - The geographical locations and the lack of credit card information do not prohibit users from participating in their favorite fantasy sport leagues.

Owner's Commission - User creating the league gets certain percentage of total prize as commision.

Truly Anonymous - Transactions in blockchain insures the anonymity of users.

Completely Fair - Threshold number of teams from one particular address, will prevent one player from manipulating all combinations.

No transaction delays - The transaction time is as long as it takes for the miners to mine the transaction which is usually couple of minutes.

Negligible Commission - the overall percentage of commission does not exceed 2-3%.


Pre-sales: Nov 30, 2017 - Dec 09, 2017
Public sales: Jan 11, 2018 - Feb 11, 2018
Pre-sale token supply: 2360000
Token supply: 5900000

Token info

Ticker: FAN
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: ERC-20
Accepted currencies: BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, ETC
Bonus program:
Bonuses (fluctuating BTC)
>15 ETH: +45%
10 - 15 ETH: +30%
3 - 10 ETH: +15%
Additional Bonuses
Day 1-2: +30%
Day 3-4: +20%
Day 5-6: +10%
Day 7-8: +5%
Token distribution:
6% - Pre-ICO
64% - ICO
5% - Advisors
20% - Teams
5% - Investor
Funds allocation:
15% - ICO Campaign
30% - Marketing
10% - IT Infrastructure
5% - Legal
40% - Development

Social media

DFantasy web-siteDFantasy TelegramDFantasy X (Twitter)DFantasy Facebook

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