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dYdX is a decentralized protocol for financial derivatives built on the Ethereum blockchain and 0x.

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Project industryTrading & Investing / Ethereum Ecosystem
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What is dYdX

dYdX allows creation of entirely new asset classes which derive their value from underlying blockchain-based assets. Derivatives allow investors to conduct risk management with their portfolios, and open up new avenues for speculation. Derivatives also increase market efficiency for the underlying asset by aiding in price discovery and allowing individuals to express complex opinions on price and volatility.

dYdX protocols allow trade of derivatives at any price agreed upon by two parties. This means that there is no need for the contracts to be aware of the market price. Takers of a derivative provide orders of their choosing, which are then used to execute the exchange for the derivative.

dYdX allows any standard buy/sell decentralized exchange to be used. This is done by wrapping external decentralized exchange smart contracts in another contract that provides standard interface to Margin.

Token info

Ticker: DYDX

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