What is EXMR Foundation Network IEO
Our growing community accepts Ethereum technology, because it is one of the best platforms that maintain a constant technological advance, offering speed and security in transactions, the advantage of obtaining an EXMR FDN., in addition to its great project, is because you will have the absolute and complete control of your transactions.
All these advantages of being under the Ethereum ecosystem, accompanied by the EXMR FDN. the contract that aims to encourage purchases and sales online through the main cryptocurrencies, visualize a great future for EXMR FDN., which will become one of the most requested crypts for their usefulness and benefits.
Thanks to EXMR FDN Token, many people around the world will have a unique opportunity to work, develop and buy products on GetCryptoPayments. The EXMR FDN. GetCryptoPayments project will offer the possibility for people to buy goods and services in online stores, as well as making cryptographic payments in person through the Point of Sales (POS) system.
It is important to keep in mind that EXMR FDN. is not controlled by a central organization, this refers that there is not a single agent with the power to modify the rules of the shareholders or the economy of the token, if not that it works under a consensus in each movement.
EXMR FDN. is presented as an ambitious project with a value that will increase steadily with time, support and vanguard, represented by its payment gateway and fiat service GetCryptoPayments, an ecosystem that guarantees the immortality of EXMR FDN.
EXMR FDN brings a revolutionary way for people to get access to transactions opportunities using blockchain technology to allow for the fast, efficient and secure transfer of funds. By combining the potential with the borderless transaction capabilities of cryptocurrencies we want to build an authentic and genuine marketplace experience for the Sellers and Buyers that caters to the modern lifestyle.
Our mission is to create a revolution in the market around EXMR FDN. This will allow each user of online stores to participate in GetCryptoPayments. A large number of users will give the Platform the opportunity to actively develop and grow.
Our system of payment gateway and fiat service will allow EXMR FDN. to obtain wide recognition, if we add the fact that EXMR FDN. has a limited edition of 75 million units, and that it has the support of a large community that is constant, in addition to the Overlord program that will generate holders thousands of EXMR FDN. plus other benefits of the GetCryptoPayments platform, this will make EXMR FDN. stronger every day.
One of our main goals is to create a convenient stable and popular platform that allows you to search for buyers/sellers, buy or sell any goods.
EXMR FDN will become a tool available to all Platform members wishing to grow their business or buy quality goods from verified sellers.
Thus, we are confident that the ecosystem that is being created around EXMR FDN. is promising since the objective is that people to navigate through a virtual store can see the option to acquire their goods or service through EXMR FDN.
EXMR FDN. aims to be the difference by offering commercial use, to be accepted by all countries. New people who join the Blockchain technology and who access cryptocurrencies without knowledge, buying and selling in exchanges, will find in EXMR FDN. a low-risk token, which aims to be a reference or gateway for new people.
Any business in carrying out operations needs to receive the following privileges:
Our motive is to encourage online crypto payments and Fiat service with our GetCryptoPayments, better confidence towards the tokens and all the cryptocurrencies at the same time.
That now a number of stores and online merchants may receive payments in EXMR FDN. with zero costs of rate and other cryptocurrencies with low rates. GetCryptoPayments is creating an opportunity for cryptocurrencies by bringing them to everyday use.
DetailsIEO (p2pb2b Launchpad): Dec 21, 2019 - Feb 12, 2020Token supply: 18,000,000 EXMR Total tokens for sale: 7,000,000 EXMR Soft cap: 1,000,000 EXMR Hard cap: 2,500,000 EXMR LegalBlockchain Platform: EthereumRegistration year: 2017 | Token infoTicker: EXMRToken standard: ERC20 Token price in USD: 1 EXMR = 0.25 USD Accepted currencies: BTC , ETH, USDT, USD Bonus program: 20% (for amount from 1000 EXMR to 2499 EXMR) 25% (for amount from 2500 EXMR to 4999 EXMR) 30% (for amount from 5000 EXMR) Token distribution: IEO - 24% Circulation Supply - 14% Developer Bounty - 26% Team & Future Company use - 10% Staking Reward - 26% |
EXMR Foundation Network IEO Roadmap
Increase total supply. Staking Rewards.
Work update GCPs 3.0
Release new Dapps. Ongoing Promotion. More Exchanges.
Ongoing Promotion.
Project team
