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MONET is an open-source infrastructure for distributed mobile peer-to-peer applications.

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Project industryInternet & Telecommunications
WhitepaperMONET White Paper Open

What is MONET

MONET is a public network architecture based on mobile ad hoc blockchains, where groups of people involved in any task or activity can effectively form temporary networks with their mobile devices, and coordinate themselves without delegating full responsibility to trusted third parties.


Blockchain Platform: Separate blockchain

Token info

Ticker: MONET

MONET Roadmap

2018 - 2020

Our guiding principles are modularity, simplicity, testing, and documentation.

Project team

Martin Arrivets
Martin Arrivets
Co-founder and CEO of Mosaic Networks. Software developer in Blockchain and Telecommunications. Creator of Babble and EVM-Babble
Martin Arrivets linkedin
Giacomo Puri Purini
Giacomo Puri Purini
Co-founder and CFO of Mosaic Networks. Entrepreneur with successful exit. Worked closely with VC funds in the Boston area.
Giacomo Puri Purini linkedin
Kevin Jones
Kevin Jones
Software Developer at Mosaic Networks. Blockchain developer with experience in Radar Signal Processing.
Kevin Jones linkedin


Ronan Lynch
Ronan Lynch
Mauro Martino
Mauro Martino
Mark Stuart Day
Mark Stuart Day
Abdi Hersi
Abdi Hersi

Social media

MONET web-siteMONET RedditMONET MediumMONETYouTubeMONET TelegramMONET X (Twitter)MONET FacebookMONET Github

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