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Sobit is a user-owned digital assets exchange.

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Project industryExchanges & Wallets
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What is Sobit

Sobit is a user-owned exchange and SBT is the equity of Sobit platform. Also as long as user holds an amount of SBT, he can enjoy all the rights of the quasi-equity. Besides, Sobit is developing a user autonomous community where all shareholders can join and exercise their rights. There are three basic rights on Sobit platform: dividends, the right to vote and the right to know. All profits on the platform are 100% allocated to SBT holders. 80% of the transaction fee will be refunded on the second day in SBT. Obviously, users will get more dividend when platform getting stronger and everyone in the community will make efforts to benefit the platform.

Token info

Ticker: SBT

Social media

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