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Ticket2lambo (T2L)


Ticket2Lambo.io a brand new Ethereum based lottery Project on the blockchain. Buy your crypto-tokens now to join the wildest blockchain ride in the world. We plan on giving away more than 21 million USDT in total. You can participate in the draw by holding our coin on your etheradress. just one token could get you the Lambo.

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Project industry Gambling & Betting
Product type Cryptocurrency
Founded Netherlands
Whitepaper Ticket2lambo White Paper Open

Technical details

The T2L token is an erc-20 coin that runs on the ETH network. As shown the coins will be released in tranches. Every time the coin hits a pre-discussed value, winners will get picked randomly to decide who gets the giveaways.

What is Ticket2lambo

A new and unique concept in the thrilling world of cryptocurrency, Ticket2lambo. Where your coin is not just a coin but also a ticket to win the value of a real Lamborghini, precious metals or other ludicrous giveaways. So unlike any other lottery ticket your ticket can increase in value by holding it, T2L can give you an extra bonus each time there is a giveaway round. Because of the information that is available everyone will know when the time has come for a giveaway round. This will create a build up in demand, an increase in price, and an extra thrill in your investments and finally a possibility to win an out of this world reward. Besides the fact your coin has increased in value.


Public sales: Jun 01, 2021 - Jul 31, 2021
Pre-sale token supply: 20,000,000 T2L
Token supply: 100,000,000 T2L
Total tokens for sale: 95,000,000 T2L
Soft cap: 500,000 USDT
Hard cap: 1,000,000 USDT


Blockchain Platform: Ethereum
Registration country: Netherlands
Registration year: 2020

Token info

Ticker: T2L
Type: Cryptocurrency
Token price in USD: 1 T2L = 0.05 USD
Accepted currencies: USDT
Token distribution:
Promotions - 5%
pre-sale - 20%
exchange sale - 75%

Social media

Ticket2lambo web-site Ticket2lambo Reddit Ticket2lambo Telegram Ticket2lambo Instagram Ticket2lambo X (Twitter) Ticket2lambo Facebook

3 Responses

  • Benni Loyd April 18, 2021 at 8:53 am

    all good to go

  • Jonathan Ploeg April 22, 2021 at 5:25 am

    Good concept let’s get the Lamborghini !

  • Alex June 11, 2021 at 6:27 pm

    Listed on Bilaxy good job

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