What is Candy Cash
Candy Cash! is mainly inspired by the following two concepts:The match-3 mechanics: Visuals, instant gratification, messages and sounds which make up its gameplay.
The game ensures a familiar, fun and addictive experience, which is already validated by users of all ages and from all countries.
At the same time, it represents a unique opportunity to explore new financial opportunities and to have control over our assets and have total freedom to manage them.
DetailsIDO (Moonstarter Launchpad): Feb 16, 2022 - Feb 16, 2022IDO (ProStarter Launchpad): TBA - TBA Token supply: 100,000,000 CANDY Total tokens for sale: 21,000,000 CANDY Raised: 2,190,000 USD LegalBlockchain Platform: Binance Smart ChainRegistration year: 2022 | Token infoTicker: CANDYType: Utility-token Token standard: BEP 20 Token price in USD: 1 CANDY = 0.16 USD Token distribution: SEED SALE - 6,50% STRATEGIC SALE - 11,00% PUBLIC SALE - 3,50% TEAM - 12,00% PROJECT GROWTH - 14,50% AIRDROP - 1,50% ADVISORS - 6,00% LIQUIDITY PROVISION - 5,00% STAKING - 26,00% P2E - 14,00% |
Candy Cash Roadmap
Launch of the official landing website, the project whitepaper 1.0, official teaser and promo video. SEED sale of CANDY token and launch of official community channels, new partnerships with top tier influencers and crypto media.
Private sales to VCs and CANDY token IDO Launch of SWEET MODE, everyone starts playing Candy Cash!
Incorporation of DUEL MODE, incorporation of CHOCOLATE TOKEN, CANDY token is listed on exchanges. Launch of the mobile ver sion of Candy Cash! Also, it owns a gambling license to bet in SAVAGE MODE.
Launch of SAVAGE MODE, which also serves as a huge impact burning mechanism (now you can bet on Candy Cash!) Donations of a small percentage of the company’s profits attracting the traditional press.
Incorporation of traditional means of payment, now non-crypto users play Candy Cash! Start of promoting community participation in the DAO, incorporating a delegate in the strategic decisions of the platform.