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Dymension is a network of modular blockchains called RollApps and at the center of it all is the Dymension Hub. Dymension allows anyone to build and deploy their own consensus-free blockchain, a RollApp.

Seed Funding Round: $6.7 Million

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Project industryBlockchain Infrastructure / Cosmos Ecosystem
Product typeTechnology
WhitepaperDymension White Paper Open
OnepagerDymension Onepager Open

What is Dymension

The Dymension Hub is the protocol's settlement layer and acts as decentralized source of truth for the network. The Dymension Hub is a Proof of Stake blockchain which provides consensus, security, and liquidity for RollApps.

RollApps are built with Dymension's RollApp Development Kit (RDK) which is based on the popular Cosmos SDK. RollApp developers are able to choose the network token, application logic and virtual machine (e.g EVM, CosmWasm, and more) in which their RollApp operates. A great way to think about Dymension is as an app-chain (Dymension Hub) for app-rollups (RollApps).


Raised: 6,700,000 USD

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