What is HDOKI
All managed by the proprietary subscriber based HDOKI Console, in which all functions are customized and curated to meet the needs and goals of the HDOKI community and it’s subscribers, making it simple and accessible while maintaining ease-of-use and maximum functionality.HDOKI targets gamers through Play-to-earn games, Parents and kids through Learn-to-earn educational apps, health conscious people through Move-to-earn App, Comics lovers through Read-to-earn Apps, professionals and users through a Talk-to-earn App and finally, NFT lovers through our NFT Marketplace.
Today, more than 20,000 active users and members are already using the HDOKI Console. A simple and intuitive web dashboard with a shortcut access to all games & apps where they can buy membership Boosts, view their Statistics and rewards, Stake or Withdraw OKI Tokens.
DetailsIDO (Parasol Finance Launchpad): Oct 02, 2022 - Oct 15, 2022Token supply: OKI Hard cap: 50,000 USD LegalBlockchain Platform: SolanaCountry limitations: United States of America (including Territories and possessions, any state of the US, and Washington D.C.) / Canada / People's Republic of China / Democratic People's Republic of Korea / Cuba / Syria / Iran / Sudan / People's Republic of Crimea Region of Ukraine Registration year: 2021 | Token infoTicker: OKIType: Utility-token Token standard: BSC, SPL Token price in USD: 1 OKI = 0.02 USD Accepted currencies: USDC Token distribution: Private Round - 5% IGO - 5% IDO - 21.25% Community Incentives / MArketing - 4.25% Team & Advisors - 5% Development - 5% Project reserve - 2.5% Foundation - 2.5% Reward pool - 44.5% |
HDOKI Roadmap
Roro's Crypto Dungeon
Woohoo! Card game
Gaming Tournament
Gaming Tournament
HDOKI Rewards Console
HDOKI NFT Market Place
HDOKI Hello Free meeting solution in pure WebRTC
Play-to-earn Classics
IGO: Initial Game Offring
Private Sale
IGO: Initial Game Offring
Public Sale
NFT Staking reward pool
A Learn-to-earn Kids Apps
A Move-to-earn Mobile Application
CAT-ASTROPHE! Collectible NFTs
IDO initial DEX offering
Market Listing
A Read-to-earn comic platform with collectible NFTs
HISTREON: Reaching to the Past and the Future
HDOKI Hello V2 Talk-to-earn OKI Tokens integration
HDOKI Web3 Staking platform
SDK Game plugin
HDOKI Games: XBOX & PLAY STATION Publication
Pixels & Dragons RPG
LEGENDS OF THE DRAGON: A Legend to Meta-mythos
GO HELLO GO! Cartoon
A Watch-to-earn Streaming & E-learning platform
Project team
