Memereum (MEME)ICO Memereum, is a groundbreaking Binance Smart Chain (BSC) token designed to revolutionize financial security. At Memereum, we are on a mission to redefine the landscape of comprehensive insurance coverage, dedicated to keeping your crypto and fiat investments safe and secure. IMPORTANT: By investing in this business you agree to ourDisclaimer. All information including our rating, is provided merely for informational purposes. CryptoTotem does not provide investment advice. |
What is Memereum
Welcome to Memereum Coin, where we're leading the change in comprehensive insurance for digital coins. In today's ever-shifting digital landscape, where cryptocurrency values can be unpredictable, Memereum Coin offers assurance against potential loss and volatility.
But our commitment doesn't stop there. We're also extending our coverage globally to protect against inflation and depreciation.
With Memereum Coin by your side, you can bid farewell to worries about currency devaluation and navigate confidently. Plus, we've got you covered when it comes to precious metal holdings like silver, gold, and antique coins, ensuring your investments are shielded against potential risks.
Join us on this journey where financial security meets cutting-edge technology. With Memereum Coin, imagine a future where your assets are protected, allowing you to navigate the world of finance with confidence and peace of mind.
DetailsPublic sales: Jan 01, 2024 - Nov 30, 2024Token supply: 200,000,000 MEME LegalBlockchain Platform: Binance Smart ChainRegistration year: 2023 | Token infoTicker: MEMEType: Utility-token Token standard: BEP-20 Token price in USD: 1 MEME = 0.1 USD Accepted currencies: ETH, BSC, USDT Token distribution: 15% - DEX & CEX LIQUIDITY 50% - PRESALE 8% - INSURANCE & FINANCE PLATFORM 2% - AIRDROP COMPETITION 25% - BURN |
Memereum Roadmap
- A concept of Memereum is created.
- Website is live. Social Media is launched.
- ICO Launched.
- Community Building
- Major News Outlets Influencer Marketing More Marketing Exchanges Onboard
- Launch on MemeSwap & PancakeSwap and CEX's
- MEME Insurance Plans Activated NFT Distribution to Holders
- MemeCard Application & Distribution Open