Technical details
Contract 0xb9E6BDcBa653b5f768dD2E2fAF6288df9054e554
What is Dirham
TOKEN DIRHAM (DAH) is a stable coin like USDT and others. Acts as a clipboard for exchange and trading on the exchange. Determined by the value of the fiat currency dirham (AED) / dollar (USD) and provides protection against the instability of cryptocurrencies. The value of a digital asset is 20% secured by AED / USD and 80% by the issuance or burning of a token within the framework of the blockchain protocol. Full 100% provision of a digital asset with an external traditional real asset will be completed according to the designated path https://dirham.app/way. Dirham is now being used as a reduced volatility clipboard. Has a wallet, an exchanger, as well as the Dirham Trade exchange (dirham.trade), trading on which will be open after the ICO on 06/19/2021.
DetailsPublic sales: May 26, 2021 - Jun 19, 2021IEO (p2pb2b Launchpad): Jun 01, 2021 - Jul 08, 2021 Token supply: 1,100,000,000 DAH Hard cap: 148,500,000 USD LegalBlockchain Platform: EthereumCountry limitations: Cuba; Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea); Iran; Pakistan; Syria; the Government of Venezuela; and Crimea. Registration year: 2021 Office address: 701, Block A, K6 Building, Murraqabat, Deira, Dubai, United Arab Emirates | Token infoTicker: DAHType: Stablecoin Token standard: ERC20 Token price in USD: 1 DAH = 0.27 USD Token distribution: 83% - IPO 5% - ICO 3% - Rewards 3% - Dirham Foundation 6% - Creators, team and development |
Project team