What is DOLLA
Dolla is a high throughput blockchain for fast, low-cost, decentralized global payments and is scalable to millions of users worldwide as a distributed ledger value transfer blockchain designed specifically for global adoption.
Picking up where other blockchains have fallen short, Dolla is a payment platform built to meet the requirements of worldwide use and adoption. However, to understand the importance of Dolla’s contribution, it is essential to analyze the current legacy payments industry and its shortcomings, how the rise of highly performant blockchains oered the best viable solution and why the best positioned blockchain-based payment today is Dolla. Dolla is gaining traction all over the globe with over 1000 merchants and 12,000 consumers already signed up.
DetailsIEO (Chainx Launchpad): Sep 21, 2020 - Mar 31, 2021Total tokens for sale: 51,000,000,000 DLA Soft cap: 5,000,000 USD Hard cap: 42,000,000,000 USD Raised: 5,000,000 USD LegalBlockchain Platform: StellarCountry limitations: China, Iran, North Korea Registration country: Cayman Islands Registration year: 2016 | Token infoTicker: DLAType: Cryptocurrency Token price in USD: 1 DLA= 0.0013333 USD Token price in ETH: 1 ETH=160,000 DLA Accepted currencies: ETH, BTC,BCH Bonus program: 40% bonus for first 10 million sold Token distribution: Token Sale - 51% Team - 15% Airdrop, Expansion Programm & Charities - 13% Early Backers & Advisors - 6% Ordlab Expenses - 5% Lead One Expenses - 5% Liquidity - 3% Node Operators - 2% Funds allocation: Research & Development - 41% Marketing - 15% Licensing - 10% Operations - 9% Legal & Compliance - 7% Dolla Fund - 5% Market Maker - 5% Merchant Services - 5% Network Security - 3% |
Project team


One Response
Hello, is Dolla still around? I have seen no updates on any social media for quite some time.