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Rakurai (High TPS Solana Client)

High TPS Solana Client is a High TPS blockchain node from Rakurai.

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Project industryBlockchain Infrastructure
Product typeEcosystem

What is Rakurai

High TPS Solana Client is not another blockchain. It uses battle-tested tech from the networking and algorithmic trading worlds to scale Layer-1s by building performant validator nodes. Our mission is to boost blockchain throughput, while preserving Web 3.0 security, decentralization and neutrality, at scale.

The following products are being developed within our ecosystem:

  • Faster Solana validator node implementation is a groundbreaking development that revolutionizes the speed and efficiency of the Solana blockchain network. Our accelerated node incentivizes validator operators with superior block and voting rewards and RPC node operators with enhanced transaction capacity.
  • One of the most prominent issues standing in the way of mass consumer adoption of web3 is speed and our accelerated RPC client is a key component of the solution. Apps, specially those focused on DeFi, can directly benefit from real-time opportunities using our accelerated RPC client.
  • RNA is an innovative software solution for high performance network packet processing for both Web 3.0 and Web 2.0.
  • Access to market data for cryptocurrencies is an essential requirement for DeFi and CeFi.


Blockchain Platform: Solana
Registration country: United States
Registration year: 2023

Project team

Ali Rizvi
Ali Rizvi
Founder, CEO
Ali Rizvi linkedin


Julien Marsens
Julien Marsens
Julien Marsens linkedin
Zahara Malik
Zahara Malik
Zahara Malik linkedin
Farrukh Zaman
Farrukh Zaman
Farrukh Zaman linkedin

Social media

Rakurai web-siteRakurai MediumRakurai LinkedInRakurai X (Twitter)

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