What is Dark Frontiers
“Dark Frontiers” is the newest, gamified space realm governed by a Gamestarter produced DAO. As NFT standards and values are shifting towards promoting use-cases, Dark Frontiers goal is to drive mainstream adoption by enhancing the usability of NFTs through staking, item ownership, and the creation of real-world value through in-game items. Embarking on the gamified metaverse, players will pilot their own spaceship and conquer new planets, defeat oppositions, and capture new and unique NFTs that can either be built on or sold on the open markets.The $DARK token in Dark Frontiers will cover an array of opportunities. For players interested in dominating entire sections of a universe, say, by owning a moon, or a planet, they can use this digital plot of land to earn interest on their $DARK. The token will not only be used for staking, but players can also purchase and upgrade their starship galactica’s using $DARK. After upgrading your ship for universal domination, you are prepared to stand head-to-head with other opponents that are in your way!
DetailsIDO (Red Kite Launchpad): Oct 06, 2021 - Oct 06, 2021IDO (GameFi Launchpad): Oct 06, 2021 - Oct 06, 2021 IDO (Daomaker Launchpad): Oct 01, 2021 - Oct 01, 2021 IDO (gamestarter): Nov 05, 2021 - Nov 06, 2021 Token supply: 250,000,000 DARK Total tokens for sale: 57,500,000 DARK LegalRegistration year: 2021 | Token infoTicker: DARKToken price in USD: 1 DARK = 0.05 USD Token distribution: Seed - 4.00% Seed - Public - 19.00% Liquidity - 25.00% Adoption incentives - 30.00% Team - 10.00% Advisors - 7.00% Development - 5.00% |