What is Telefy
TeleFy, in a nutshell, brings in a way to associate trustless tele score i.e, credit score for every wallet. The Tele-Score services come along with the Telefy platform determines the credit worthiness of each wallet and produces most appropriate interest rates for the users who are availing the benefits of lending pool. Based on the holds in the wallet and the transactions performed by the users the Tele-Score gets impacted and so at any point in time, users could pay the interest that suits most for the lending they opted in.
Tele-Score will be published as a micro service, which is an open-source and can be leveraged by any exchanges or users who are interested to consume this service. Tele Score can be a transformational service that can change the way of most of the DEFI solutions that are in the market today, by distinguishing users into multiple categories based on their date of joining to the DEFI chain and other credentials.
Again, re-iterating the point that, Telefy is going to be a one-stop solution for multiple block chains including but not limited to DEX, Lending, Launch PAD and NFT.
DetailsIEO (Azbit Launchpad): Mar 21, 2022 - Apr 04, 2022IEO (Coinsbit Launchpad): Mar 21, 2022 - Apr 26, 2022 Pre-sale token supply: 50,00,000 TELE Token supply: 600,000,000 TELE Hard cap: 375,000 USD LegalRegistration year: 2021 | Token infoTicker: TELEType: Utility-token Token standard: ERC20 Token price in USD: 1 TELE = 0.06 USD Accepted currencies: ETH, WETH, USDC, BNB, BUSD Token distribution: Pre-Sale - 5% Private-Sale - 10% Public Offering - 5% Development Fund - 20% Marketing & Promotions - 5% Tele Reserve - 10% Initial DEX Liquidity - 5% Public Mining and staking rewards - 40% |
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